Voteco: Evaluating Politicians' Environmental Impact

An App for Assessing Green Policies and Voting

Voteco is a mobile application designed by Ata Sevinc that allows users to evaluate politicians based on their environmental impact and vote for those who prioritize green policies. By providing a platform for users to review and vote on politicians' responses to current environmental events, Voteco aims to empower citizens to make informed decisions and hold politicians accountable for their actions.

Voteco addresses the pressing issue of climate change by recognizing that individual efforts alone are not enough to combat global warming. While personal actions such as turning off lights and reducing emissions are important, research shows that the most effective way to tackle climate change is through political action. By voting for politicians who prioritize environmental issues and propose sustainable solutions, citizens can drive meaningful change at a systemic level.

What sets Voteco apart is its unique approach to evaluating politicians. The app allows users to review and vote on politicians' responses to environmental events, which are then reflected in the politicians' environment scores. These scores not only provide users with a general idea of a politician's stance on environmental issues but also contribute to the overall score of their political party. This innovative scoring system simplifies the process of assessing politicians' environmental impact, eliminating the need for extensive research.

The design process of Voteco involved various tools and technologies. Ata Sevinc utilized Miro for brainstorming, creating the information architecture, and developing the flowchart. Illustrator was used for logo design and brand identity, while Figma facilitated the creation of wireframes and prototypes. Additionally, Photoshop was employed to create presentation elements, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

Voteco is available as a mobile application for both iOS and Android devices. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive features make it accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their technological expertise. The app offers two types of accounts: voter and politician. Users can select their account type and choose their areas of interest before accessing the news feed page. This page provides users with current news, tweets, and the results of motion votings related to environmental issues.

In addition to the news feed page, Voteco includes two other essential sections: the leaderboard and map pages. The leaderboard displays the overall ranking of politicians based on their environment scores. Users can also explore the general rankings of political parties in their country by clicking on the party ranking section. The map page features a colored version of the provincial map, with each color representing the environment score. Users can select their province and district on the map to access the district details page, where they can view the party affiliation of the regional government, the environment score, and recent events that influenced the score.

The design process for Voteco began in October 2021 and was completed in November 2021. Extensive research was conducted to understand the needs and expectations of different user personas, including voters, activists, and politicians. Prototype tests were conducted to gather feedback and ensure a positive user experience. By addressing user pain points and incorporating their feedback, Voteco was refined to meet the needs of its target audience.

Voteco has received recognition for its innovative design and practicality. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2022. This prestigious award acknowledges Voteco's well-designed, practical, and innovative approach to addressing environmental issues. By integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, Voteco contributes to a better world by empowering citizens to make informed decisions and drive positive change through political action.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ata Sevinc
Image Credits: Image #1: Interface Design Ata Sevinç, 2021. Image #2: Interface Design Ata Sevinç, 2021. Image #3: Interface Design Ata Sevinç, 2021. Image #4: Interface Design Ata Sevinç, 2021. Image #5: Interface Design Ata Sevinç, 2021.
Project Team Members: Ata Sevinç
Project Name: Voteco
Project Client: Ata Sevinc

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