Career Science: A Human-Centric Learning Application

Designing a Platform that Simplifies Life's Toughest Decisions

For a learning platform that simplifies life’s toughest decisions, the journey of life formed the inspiration. From social conversations, gaming, shopping to dating, movies and music, the platform was designed keeping the audience interests at the core while celebrating their uniqueness to create an experience that reflects the world we live in. When they log on, the newness coupled with a sense of familiarity, makes them feel like the platform was designed specially to make them succeed.

The Career Science learning application, designed by Centrick, is a unique platform that aims to simplify life's toughest decisions. Inspired by the journey of life itself, the platform takes into account various aspects of modern life, such as social conversations, gaming, shopping, and more, to create an engaging and intuitive learning experience. By placing the audience's interests at the core and celebrating their uniqueness, Career Science reflects the world we live in and provides users with a sense of familiarity and purpose.

What sets Career Science apart is its focus on creating a unique experience for each user. Each section on the platform is inspired by different aspects of life, making it a truly personalized learning journey. The course menu, for example, is designed like a music playlist, allowing users to navigate their learning path in a playful and intuitive way. Complex analyses are simplified with graphics inspired by sci-fi movies, making difficult concepts more accessible. The platform also emulates career progress, mirroring the natural order of life, and incorporates leaderboards inspired by video games to foster a sense of competition and motivation. Opportunities are showcased like collectible trading cards, adding an element of excitement and discovery to the learning process. Overall, Career Science is designed to make learning intuitive, playful, and tailored to each individual's unique needs.

The realization of the Career Science platform involved a comprehensive design process. Centrick started by conducting remote research, engaging with a diverse range of users across different occupations and geographies. This research helped identify user patterns and predict social behavior, which was then used to inform the design decisions. Heat map screen testing was applied to identify and solve any issues or dropouts in the user journey, ensuring a seamless learning experience. Low fidelity wireframes were created and tested before the final design and prototyping phase, which was done using the Figma platform.

Technical specifications were also carefully considered during the design process. Recognizing that learning platforms are predominantly used by students and entry-level professionals, especially on the go, Career Science was designed with a mobile-first approach. The interface is responsive and seamlessly translates across devices, ensuring a consistent user experience. The platform screens were created in the 16x9 aspect ratio, allowing for horizontal and vertical rendering without compromising on the overall experience.

Centrick's design team, including Roy Menezes, Yash Chauhan, Ranjeet Bubber, Zara Daruwalla, Saurabh Choudhary, Malavika Shah, and Anamta Shaikh, worked collaboratively to overcome various challenges during the design process. Integrating social media behavior, professional networking, learning, and career guidance into one seamless platform was no easy task. However, by talking to over 1000 individuals from different backgrounds and analyzing their behavior, the team was able to create a platform that encapsulates the unique journey of each individual, simplifying the complexities of career growth.

When using Career Science, users are greeted with a platform that feels simple and intuitive. This is because Centrick took a human-centered approach, making learning look and feel like a lot of fun. The platform incorporates elements inspired by shopping apps, urging users to take action and engage more with their learning. The course menu, designed like a music playlist, adds a playful touch to the navigation experience. The career map mirrors natural growth, branching into opportunities as the user progresses. By focusing on the user experience and incorporating familiar elements, Career Science allows users to focus on their career goals while enjoying the learning process.

The Career Science platform was developed in Mumbai, India, from May 2021 to August 2021. Throughout the design process, Centrick integrated the fundamentals of design thinking, conducting extensive research and incorporating user feedback to create a truly human-centric learning experience. The platform has been recognized for its excellence and creativity, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2022. This award acknowledges Career Science's outstanding design, which combines art, science, and technology to improve the quality of life and make the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Roy Menezes
Image Credits: Roy Menezes
Project Team Members: Roy Menezes Yash Chauhan Ranjeet Bubber Zara Daruwalla Saurabh Choudhary Malavika Shah Anamta Shaikh
Project Name: Career Science
Project Client: Roy Menezes

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