Florencia: A Lounge Chair Inspired by the Ghost Orchid

Camila Lerena's Award-Winning Design Combines Simplicity and Organic Elegance

Camila Lerena's Florencia lounge chair, inspired by the Ghost Orchid, has won the Silver A' Furniture Design Award in 2023. The chair's unique design and seamless construction reflect the beauty and elegance of the orchid, while offering a comfortable and adaptable seating solution.

The Florencia lounge chair is a testament to the beauty of simplicity and the power of nature-inspired design. Lerena drew inspiration from the Ghost Orchid, a unique flower native to South Florida. Characterized by its lack of leaves and the way it seems to float in mid-air, the orchid became the perfect muse for a lounge chair that combines comfort, elegance, and a sense of lightness.

The chair's design is marked by a smooth, continuous frame with zero hardware joints, making it simple to construct and reducing the need for extra tools or instructions. The seat is made of hooked leather or cotton, creating a hammock-like feel that adapts to the user's contour. This simplicity extends the lifespan of the chair, allowing it to adapt easily to any room and making it easy to clean.

The Florencia lounge chair was realized using a casted aluminium frame. Measuring 939.8 mm x 889 mm x 1016 mm, with a seat pan height of 431.8 mm and an armrest height of 660.4 mm, the chair's dimensions contribute to its comfort and aesthetic appeal. The design also allows for easy interaction, with users simply hooking their chosen fabric over the backrest and slits in the armrest.

The design process, which took place between February and May 2022 at the College for Creative Studies, involved extensive research into interior design and orchids. Lerena aimed to create a piece of furniture that would have a long lifespan and could adapt to a home with an easily interchangeable fabric that requires zero hardware. The chair was exhibited at the College for Creative Studies Student Exhibition and Industry Day in May 2022.

Despite the challenges of designing a chair that would allow for the fabric to hang downward to provide a slouchy hammock feel while still providing structural support in a seemingly thin and delicate design, Lerena succeeded in creating a piece that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The Florencia lounge chair is a testament to the power of simplicity, organic design, and innovative thinking.

For her outstanding work, Lerena was awarded the Silver A' Furniture Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The Florencia lounge chair, with its strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, certainly fits this description.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Camila Lerena
Image Credits: All images: Camila Lerena
Project Team Members: Designer: Camila Lerena
Project Name: Florencia
Project Client: Camila Lerena

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