Smarteat: A Smart Farming Trading App

Revolutionizing the Way Farmers Connect with Consumers

There is a growing trend of small-scale farmers and indoor smart farming enthusiasts who face challenges in finding buyers for their excess produce. To address this issue, designer Youjee Oh has developed Smarteat, an innovative open marketplace for smart farm vegetables.

Smarteat is a game-changer in the world of smart farming, offering a platform that connects farmers directly with consumers, eliminating supply and demand imbalances. The app provides farmers with a comprehensive tool to monitor their smart farms, manage cultivation and transactions, and display real-time data.

One of the key features of Smarteat is its objective freshness checks. The app assesses the freshness of vegetables and suggests options for free sharing or sale of produce with decreased freshness, reducing waste. Farmers can also accept advance reservations from consumers, ensuring a seamless and efficient trading process.

Consumers benefit from Smarteat by gaining access to fresh produce with reliable information at reasonable prices. They can make informed purchasing decisions based on the freshness and quality of the vegetables, creating a transparent and trustworthy marketplace.

Smarteat is not just a trading platform; it is a comprehensive solution that leverages technology to streamline the entire smart farming process. Farmers can connect their smart farms to the app, allowing them to monitor and control their farms in real-time. They can receive information on the freshness and harvest dates of their vegetables, manage cultivation, and handle trading, all in one place.

The app's automation of vegetable management and trading empowers farmers to trade efficiently with minimal resources. At the same time, consumers benefit from the elimination of the distribution process, ensuring that they receive the freshest vegetables at reasonable prices.

Youjee Oh, the mastermind behind Smarteat, utilized Figma as the main design tool during the development process. The user experience (UX) was continuously improved through testing with prototypes, ensuring a seamless and intuitive interface. The project, which took approximately six weeks to complete, was finished in December 2022 in Seoul.

Smarteat has garnered recognition for its innovative approach and practicality. It was awarded the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2023 in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category. This accolade acknowledges Smarteat's well-designed, practical, and innovative features that meet professional and industrial requirements.

With Smarteat, Youjee Oh has revolutionized the way farmers connect with consumers in the smart farming industry. This open marketplace not only addresses supply and demand imbalances but also promotes sustainability by reducing food waste. Smarteat is a testament to the power of technology in transforming the lifestyle and efficiency of the farming community.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: YouJee Oh
Image Credits: YouJee Oh
Project Team Members: YouJee Oh
Project Name: Smarteat
Project Client: YouJee Oh

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