Pet Tree: A Vertical Eco-Planting System

Revolutionizing Urban Gardening with Sustainability

Pet Tree is a vertical eco gardening system made from recycled PET containers, designed by Hakan Gürsu and the Designnobis Team. This innovative design aims to maximize efficiency in a small area, reduce water usage, and encourage the use of waste plastic bottles.

Pet Tree is a unique and sustainable solution for urban gardeners facing space constraints. It consists of structural plastic pieces and PET pots that are combined to form a tree-like shape. The system's vertical arrangement allows for more pots to fit into the same horizontal area, increasing the number of plants that can be grown.

One of the key features of Pet Tree is its efficient water irrigation system. The design incorporates a built-in water circulation system that harvests rainwater and feeds plants through drip irrigation. This not only ensures the effective use of water resources but also eliminates water loss due to vaporization. Additionally, a protective membrane wrapped around the system prevents damage from birds and other potentially harmful creatures.

By utilizing recycled PET containers, Pet Tree addresses the issue of excessive plastic bottle waste. The flower pots, made from half PET bottles, form a multi-leveled geometrical setup that not only reduces plastic waste but also raises awareness about the importance of recycling in society. The other plastic parts of the system are made from recycled materials, further enhancing its sustainability.

With Pet Tree, both individual users and rural communities can enjoy the benefits of growing their own organic produce. The system offers an economical and efficient solution for high production rates with limited resources. For industrial areas, it allows for the cultivation of a larger number of plants in the same horizontal area, while also accommodating vegetable types with small trunks.

The Pet Tree design has been recognized for its excellence and innovation. It was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Sustainable Products, Projects, and Green Design category in 2014. This prestigious award acknowledges the remarkable technical characteristics and artistic skill of the design, as well as its positive impact on the environment.

Pet Tree is not just a gardening system; it is a testament to the power of design in creating sustainable solutions for our modern lifestyles. With its unique combination of functionality, aesthetics, and environmental consciousness, Pet Tree is revolutionizing urban gardening and inspiring individuals to embrace a greener way of life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hakan Gürsu
Image Credits: Hakan Gürsu
Project Team Members: Designnobis Team
Project Name: Pet-Tree
Project Client: Hakan Gürsu

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