DIY Rembrandt Press: A Unique Toy Printing Press

Bringing Art and History to Life

The DIY Rembrandt Press is a fully functional hand printing press made of wood, inspired by the 17th-century printing press at Rembrandt's Museum. Designed by Bill Ritchie, this unique toy printing press allows people of all ages to experience the art of printmaking while also providing access to educational resources through a USB flash drive.

The DIY Rembrandt Press stands out from other toy printing presses due to its authenticity and educational value. Modeled after Rembrandt's historic machine, this wooden press is a faithful replica that captures the essence of traditional printmaking. It comes with a wood printing plate inspired by Rembrandt himself, allowing users to create their own unique prints.

What sets this design apart is the inclusion of a USB flash drive. This innovative feature allows users to connect the press to a smartphone or tablet, providing access to a wealth of printmaking knowledge and resources. Users can download lessons, access e-books, watch video demonstrations, and explore other online materials, making the DIY Rembrandt Press a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced printmakers.

The DIY Rembrandt Press was developed using wood working models based on historical printing presses. The design was refined through play-testing with families and shared in workshops with artists, toy designers, and game designers. To make it more affordable, the press was simplified and produced using a CNC routing machine.

Technical specifications of the DIY Rembrandt Press include a length of 265 mm, width of 125 mm, and height of 230 mm with the wood base. The bed length is 265 mm, bed width is 87 mm, and bed thickness is 12 mm. The press weighs 1.2 kg and features rollers with a length of 110 mm and a diameter of 36 mm. The USB flash drive included has a capacity of 8 gigabytes, and a 1-meter USB extension cable is also provided.

By turning the star wheel, users can simulate the printing process used by Rembrandt. Ink is applied to the printing plate, which is then placed on the bed of the press. Paper and a thick fabric are layered on top, and as the plate moves between the rollers, the ink is pressed onto the paper, creating a print. This hands-on experience allows users to learn about the art of printmaking and its historical significance.

The DIY Rembrandt Press project began in Seattle, USA in 2012 with the intention of bringing printmaking back into the realm of hands-on learning. The addition of the USB flash drive and the PressGhost feature, which provides access to printmaking techniques, e-books, and online resources, further enhances the educational value of this design.

Overcoming challenges from established art theorists and educators, as well as the commercialized fine art print market, the DIY Rembrandt Press represents a new approach to art education for youth. By combining the expertise of toy and game designers with the rich history of printmaking, this design opens the door to a world of creativity and learning.

The DIY Rembrandt Press has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Toys, Games, and Hobby Products category in 2014. This prestigious award highlights the remarkable level of excellence, innovation, and technical skill demonstrated by this unique toy printing press.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Bill Ritchie
Image Credits: Image #1: Creator Bill Ritchie, Press with plate, 2014. Image #2: Creator Bill Ritchie, Press with print, 2014. Image #3: Creator Bill Ritchie, Press with devices, 2014. Image #4: Creator Bill Ritchie, Press disassembled, 2014. Image #5: Creator Bill Ritchie, Rembrandts PressGhost, 2014. Video Credits: Produced entirely by Creator Bill Ritchie.
Project Team Members: Designer Bill Ritchie Engineer Ric Miller Engineer Thomas Kughler
Project Name: DIY Rembrandt Press
Project Client: Bill Ritchie

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DIY Rembrandt Press IMG #5

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