MEMOries (usbstick)

Design by Christos Tsigaras


The MEMOries USB stick is a unique and innovative design that addresses the common problem of losing USB drives. Designed by Christos Tsigaras, this USB stick doubles as a stylish bracelet, ensuring that you always have your important files with you.


The USB stick is a ubiquitous data storage medium that is used by people of all ages and computer literacy levels. Its small size and portability make it convenient, but also easy to misplace. The MEMOries USB stick aims to solve this issue by incorporating the storage space into a flexible black rubber bracelet with a linear metal surface.

Not only is the MEMOries USB stick functional, but it is also a fashionable accessory. It can be worn like a piece of jewelry, allowing you to carry your memories with you wherever you go. The design combines leather, rubber, and inox materials, and is produced using cast metal molds.

The dimensions of the MEMOries USB stick are 0.014cm in length, 0.04cm in depth, and 0.007cm in height, with the addition of the skin and rubber bound around the wrist. The design was prototyped with precision, overcoming the challenge of creating a piece that requires such accuracy. The motivation to create this design by hand stemmed from the simplicity of manufacturing it.


The MEMOries USB stick is a practical and innovative solution to the problem of losing USB drives. Its combination of functionality and fashion makes it a standout design. With the MEMOries USB stick, you can keep your important files close at hand while adding a touch of style to your outfit.

Image Credits: tsigarasdesign, nick stefanis

Awards and Accolades: The MEMOries USB stick was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2014. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The MEMOries USB stick stands out for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Christos Tsigaras
Image Credits: tsigarasdesign, nick stefanis
Project Team Members: Christos Tsigaras
Project Name: MEMOries
Project Client: Christos Tsigaras

MEMOries  IMG #2
MEMOries  IMG #3
MEMOries  IMG #4
MEMOries  IMG #5
MEMOries  IMG #5

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