One Sheet: A Bold and Contemporary Bookshelf Design

Celebrating the Quality of Steel in a Clean and Modern Frame

Inspired by the material property of steel itself, One Sheet is a bookshelf design that embraces the industrial processes associated with this versatile material. Created by designer Lo Yee Cheung Adrian, this bookshelf stands out with its simple yet conscious design, highlighting the quality of metal and providing a bold frame to showcase its contents.

One Sheet sets itself apart with its clean and well-detailed design, showcasing a manufacturing-minded approach. The shelf is crafted from a single piece of rectangular metal, utilizing cutting and bending processes. This approach not only ensures a seamless and sturdy structure but also adds to the overall aesthetic appeal.

One of the greatest challenges in the design process was selecting the perfect material for the bookshelf. After extensive research and consideration, steel was chosen for its inherent aesthetic heaviness, strength, stiffness, and compatibility with industrial processes. The result is a bookshelf that exudes a sense of durability and sophistication.

In addition to its striking design, One Sheet also incorporates LED lighting to enhance the display of objects. Recognizing the importance of quality lighting in showcasing artifacts, the designer added this feature to ensure that the bookshelf creates an optimal visual experience.

The development of One Sheet took approximately two months, with the concept being generated and designed in Hong Kong. Throughout the design process, innovative methodologies such as TRIZ and "design thinking" were employed to distill the design and achieve its pure form. Considerations of manufacturing feasibility and available industrial processes were also integrated to create an optimum product.

One Sheet has received recognition for its exceptional design. It was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Furniture Design category in 2016. This prestigious accolade is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. One Sheet's technical characteristics and remarkable level of excellence evoke positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

With its bold and contemporary design, One Sheet redefines the concept of a bookshelf, transforming it into an artifact for aesthetic display. By celebrating the unique qualities of steel, this design offers a fresh perspective on how functional furniture can also be a work of art.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lo Yee Cheung Adrian
Image Credits: Illustrator, Yee Cheung Adrian LO, One Sheet, 2015.
Project Team Members: Lo Yee Cheung Adrian
Project Name: One Sheet
Project Client: Lo Yee Cheung Adrian

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