Flexible: A Lightweight and Eco-Friendly Exhibition Space

Creating an Ecological and Inexpensive Modern Space

The Product Design R&D Center of SWJTU presents a unique exhibition space that combines flexibility, eco-friendliness, and modern design.

The Flexible exhibition space is a remarkable project that aims to play with local geographical elements, utilize environment-friendly materials, and create an ecological, inexpensive, and quickly-built modern space. The designers at the Product Design R&D Center of SWJTU have adopted steel wire and effective way nodes to showcase their creativity and construct a flexible structure of space.

What sets the Flexible exhibition space apart is its focus on using bamboos as a flexible material. The designers have explored how to leverage the excellent properties of bamboos and overcome their existing defects to create a lightweight and flexible structure. With minimal tools and simple processing methods, they have managed to build an exhibition space that is not only visually stunning but also environmentally friendly. The use of bamboos as ecological materials holds great significance for environmental protection and sustainable development.

The realization of the Flexible exhibition space relies on the unique properties of bamboos. As an eco-friendly material, bamboos are lightweight and highly flexible, making them ideal for constructing lightweight spaces. The designers have ingeniously used steel wire to connect the bamboo components, reflecting the overall features of the flexible structure space.

The specifications of the Flexible exhibition space are as follows: Width 15000mm x Depth 10000mm x Height 5050mm. These dimensions provide ample space for various display themes, allowing for a versatile and engaging experience for visitors.

The Flexible exhibition space was created by a team of talented individuals, including Tao Huang, Guangchao Wei, Zhongwei Shen, Shouwang Luo, Xin Luo, Junyan Zhang, and Kai Yue. Their collective efforts have resulted in a truly innovative and captivating design.

The interaction of the Flexible exhibition space is centered around the use and combination of bamboo and bamboo plywood. By forming a basic pattern through a unique connection method, the designers have created a simple, effective, and stable space system that can be quickly adapted to different display themes. This flexibility allows for the presentation of a complete space program under the background of eco-design.

The Flexible exhibition space project started in April 2015 and was completed in June 2015 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. It was exhibited at the College of Architecture Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu. The project showcases the potential of bamboo as an environment-friendly material for constructing venues quickly, conveniently, and freely.

The design of the Flexible exhibition space presented several challenges that the designers had to overcome. One of the main challenges was ensuring the structural integrity of the bamboo components. To address this, the designers used medal rings to tighten the grooved upper and lower parts, and they employed plywood as a new way to connect between bamboo and bamboo. Through steel connections, each bamboo component forms a flexible structure, enabling the rapid establishment of the exhibition space.

The Flexible exhibition space is a testament to the designers' commitment to using eco-friendly materials and innovative design techniques. By utilizing bamboos and steel wire, they have created a visually striking and environmentally conscious space that promotes sustainability and showcases the beauty of natural materials.

This Design was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the A' Sustainable Products, Projects, and Green Design category in 2016. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Flexible exhibition space stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Guangchao Wei
Image Credits: Image #1: Tao Huang, 2015. Image #2: Tao Huang, 2015. Image #3: Tao Huang, 2015. Image #4: Tao Huang, 2015. Image #5: Tao Huang, 2015. Video Credits: 24s ,8.33MB.
Project Team Members: Tao Huang Guangchao Wei Zhongwei Shen Shouwang Luo Xin Luo Junyan Zhang Kai Yue
Project Name: Flexible
Project Client: Guangchao Wei

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