Hiccup: The Toy Collection Box That Makes Tidying Up Fun

Transforming Toy Collection into a Joyful Experience

Children often leave their toys scattered all over the room, making it a challenge for parents to keep things tidy. The Hiccup team recognized this issue and set out to change children's collecting behavior through design. Their solution? Hiccup, a toy collection box that turns tidying up into a fun and interactive experience.

Hiccup is not your ordinary toy box. It features an engaging interaction that delights children as they put their toys away. When a toy is placed inside Hiccup, it immediately reacts with blinking lights and the sound of a hiccup. This playful response transforms the traditional act of tidying up into the process of feeding a pet, adding an element of joy and excitement.

But the fun doesn't stop there. As evening approaches, a small flower emerges from Hiccup's head. This flower is actually a projector lamp. Once enough toys have been collected to reach the standard weight, the flower begins to grow. Over the course of seven days, it gradually transforms from a seedling to a blooming flower. However, any interruption in the collection process will cause the flower to revert back to its previous level. This long-term stimulation creates a context that encourages children to both feed their "pet" and develop good habits.

Hiccup's design goes beyond just its interactive features. The team paid careful attention to the materials and technology used in its realization. The storage box shell is made of food-grade plastic, ensuring it is safe for children to handle. Weight sensors and circuit elements are securely installed inside the box, allowing for accurate toy detection. The circuits consist of three parts: weight sensing, instant interaction (eye blinking), and recording and motor functions (flower growing). Hiccup's intelligent system compares the weight inside the box with the standard weight, determining whether all the toys have been collected or not.

With its initial size of 400x400x600mm, Hiccup is designed to fit seamlessly into any child's room. However, the Hiccup team plans to develop different sizes to cater to various needs. The circuit is powered by 220v, ensuring a reliable and consistent performance.

Throughout the design process, the Hiccup team conducted extensive research to understand children's collecting behavior and how to encourage good habits. They discovered that instant feedback interaction was appealing to children, but it needed to be supplemented with long-term stimulation. Inspired by traditional revolving shadow lights in China, the team came up with the idea of a growing projection light. Each day, as children collect their toys correctly, they are rewarded with a new and evolving projection, creating a continuous sense of novelty and excitement.

Creating a toy collection box that would capture children's attention was a challenge for the Hiccup team. They brainstormed various ideas and ultimately settled on the concept of a dinosaur with a flower tail. This unique design successfully caught the hearts of children during field tests, proving its appeal and effectiveness.

Hiccup was developed by the Hiccup team in China, with the project starting in March 2015 and concluding in June 2015. The product was officially launched in Hangzhou, China on June 28th, 2015. The design has received recognition for its innovation and practicality, earning the Iron A' Design Award in the Baby, Kids, and Children's Products category in 2016.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jiachun
Image Credits: Image #1-#5: By group members
Project Team Members: Dufeng Wang Yicong Lu Kun Dong Zhen Qin Jiachun Du Sirui Feng Lingyun Sun
Project Name: Hiccup
Project Client: Jiachun

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