Naoki Terada's CARVED 2: A New Dimension in Timekeeping

Revolutionizing Wall Clock Design with Artistic Precision and Innovation

Naoki Terada, a renowned designer, has reimagined the traditional wall clock with his award-winning design, CARVED 2. This article delves into the inspiration, unique properties, and technical aspects of this remarkable design.

The CARVED 2 clock, designed by Naoki Terada, presents an innovative approach to timekeeping. The design is inspired by the concept of carving letters out of a clock face with a chisel, creating a three-dimensional impression. The shadows of the carved letters change their expression depending on the light in the surrounding environment. This unique design was born out of the intersection of interior decoration materials and technical conversion.

What sets CARVED 2 apart from other clock designs is the intricate technique of carving and painting the clock face. The letters carved into the clock face are only 2mm in width, giving a sharp and clean impression. At first glance, the smart fonts don't even appear to be numbers, pushing the boundaries of traditional clock design.

The realization of this design was made possible through the use of a CNC milling machine, which carved the figures using just one type of bit. The clock measures 340 mm in width, 42 mm in depth, and 340 mm in height, and weighs 750g. The clock's production was a collaborative effort, with Hiroshi Takata as the producer and TAKATA Lemnos Inc. as the company behind it.

The design process for CARVED 2 was not without its challenges. The dial design required careful consideration of numerous factors, including character balance, aspect ratio, depth of engraving, and dial size. Due to the simple and plain dial, even slight changes in size and shape could greatly alter the sense of balance. This meticulous attention to detail is evident in the final product.

Naoki Terada's CARVED 2 has been recognized for its innovative design, winning the Silver A' Furniture Design Award in 2018. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, and evoke positive feelings, amazement, and wonder. The CARVED 2 clock certainly fits this description, marking a new era in wall clock design.

In conclusion, Naoki Terada's CARVED 2 is more than just a wall clock—it's a work of art. Its unique design, technical precision, and innovative approach to timekeeping make it a standout piece in any setting. As Terada continues to push the boundaries of design, we can look forward to more groundbreaking creations in the future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kazuyoshi Takata
Image Credits: Kazuyoshi Takata
Project Team Members: Producer : Hiroshi Takata Designer : Naoki Terada Company : TAKATA Lemnos Inc.
Project Name: CARVED 2
Project Client: Kazuyoshi Takata


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