Cocofamilia: A Hidden Message of Connection and Heart

The Upscale Rental Apartment Building for Seniors

Cocofamilia, designed by Kazuaki Kawahara, is an innovative logo and visual identity system that goes beyond aesthetics. It embodies a hidden message of connection and heart, forming a bridge between the building's staff, the tenants, and their families.

Located in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, Cocofamilia stands out among other rental flats for seniors. While many buildings in this category offer low-priced options with low-quality services, Cocofamilia aims to provide a high-quality sensibility that sets it apart.

The logo design is where the magic happens. Within the logo, the building's slogan, "Together, from the heart, like family," and the message "forming a bridge to the heart" are cleverly embedded. The monogram, with its "f" motif, is named the "f-chain," representing the connections between the building's staff, the tenants, and their families.

By reading the "f" as an "r" and the "a" as an "o," the word "Cocoro," meaning "heart" in Japanese, emerges. The shape of an arch bridge, found in the letter "m," further reinforces the message of forming a bridge to the heart. This design not only conveys an upscale sensibility but also a sense of universality.

One of the biggest challenges was to embed a hidden message within the design while ensuring durability and practical usability in any setting. However, Kawahara successfully solved these problems, creating a logo that has earned great reviews both within the company and from the outside.

The logo and visual identity system are used across various tools, including brochures and signage, creating a cohesive and impactful brand presence for Cocofamilia.

The project, which started in August 2016 and finished in July 2017, showcases the meticulous research and attention to detail that went into creating a design that truly reflects the essence of Cocofamilia.

Kazuaki Kawahara's design for Cocofamilia was awarded the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2018. This recognition is a testament to the well-designed, practical, and innovative nature of the logo and visual identity system. It meets professional and industrial requirements while providing fulfillment and positive feelings, contributing to a better world.

Cocofamilia is not just a logo; it is a symbol of connection, heart, and the power of design to create meaningful experiences.

Image Credits: Kazuaki Kawahara, 2017.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kazuaki Kawahara
Image Credits: Kazuaki Kawahara, 2017.
Project Team Members: Art Director/Designer : Kazuaki Kawahara
Project Name: Cocofamilia
Project Client: Kazuaki Kawahara

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Cocofamilia IMG #3
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Cocofamilia IMG #5

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