Rotal: A Shape Shifting Light Installation Inspired by Trees

Enriching Interaction in Urban Landscapes

All through the ages, trees have been central to human civilizations, providing a sense of place and interaction. Many cultures look to trees for medicinal and spiritual healing. It is also a convention in many societies to plant trees to commemorate special occasions like birth or wedding ceremonies. Our inspiration is based on the role of trees in bringing people together and cherishing rootedness of place. We expect Rotal to enrich interaction between individuals in fast-paced urban landscapes.

Rotal is a tree-inspired shape-shifting light installation designed by Zhejiang University. What sets Rotal apart is its ability to allow users to push, pull, and rotate its branches to create diverse morphologies. The design of Rotal is based on the rudimentary silhouette of the metasequoia tree, capturing the essence of nature's beauty.

The structure of Rotal consists of a central trunk made of two nested transparent pipes and sixteen branches. Each branch contains retractable light diffusion tubes, a needle bearing, and a 3D-printed joint. The trunk body is fitted with LED strips, providing a luminous intensity of 600lux.

The realization of Rotal involves the use of advanced technology and materials. The trunk is made of transparent PVC pipes, while the branches are connected to the central trunk through 3D-printed joints. The light diffusion tubes are linked together by 3D-printed rings and capped with reflective acrylic parts at the end. The base platform of Rotal is made from stacked circular boards, ensuring stability and housing the electronic components, power circuitry, and controller unit.

With dimensions of 920mm in width, 700mm in depth, and 2000mm in height, Rotal weighs approximately 8kg. Its lightweight and compact design make it suitable for various indoor and outdoor settings.

By pulling, pushing, and rotating the branches of Rotal, users can synthesize creative morphologies and illumination effects, visually expressing their thoughts and ideas. Rotal engages people in both asynchronous and synchronous modes of interaction. In asynchronous mode, individuals can create or modify a morphology of their choice, while in synchronous mode, a group of individuals can come together to generate a single form.

Rotal also responds to proximity. When individuals get too close to the installation, it transforms from multi-colored illumination to a soft white lighting effect, creating a more intimate and calming ambiance.

The Rotal project was a collaborative effort between Zhejiang University and the Singapore University of Technology and Design. The design process started in September 2017, with the aim of creating a light installation at The Southern Song Imperial Square, a famous historical spot in Hangzhou, China.

The development of Rotal involved extensive research and experimentation. Rapid urbanization and new technologies have transformed our lives, leading to a faster pace of life with limited time for social interaction. Rotal was designed to address this issue by providing a platform for enhanced interaction in social spaces. Through 3D modeling, simulation, and the fabrication of a fully functional prototype, the design team successfully brought Rotal to life.

The Rotal project presented several challenges, including seamlessly integrating mechanical, electrical, and electronic modules while ensuring user-friendly interaction. However, the design team overcame these challenges, resulting in a unique and innovative light installation.

Rotal has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Lighting Products and Fixtures Design category in 2018. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Rotal's integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics contribute to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Fengyi Ye
Image Credits: Fengyi Ye
Project Team Members: Student Members: Fengyi Ye Sijie Tong Qiong Wu Nanyan Le Jiahuan Zhou Xiayin Ying Faculty Members: Thein Than Tun Mohan Rajesh Elara Hao Jiang Lingyun Sun
Project Name: Rotal
Project Client: Fengyi Ye

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