Smartisan U3 Pro: Redefining Smartphone Aesthetics

Smartisan Industrial Design Team's Award-Winning Smartphone Design

The Smartisan U3 Pro, designed by the Smartisan Industrial Design Team, is a smartphone that breaks away from the norm, infusing sensibility and fashion into its design. It is a device that feels less like a piece of technology and more like an exquisite handicraft or jewel that enriches life.

The design inspiration for the Smartisan U3 Pro came from the desire to eliminate the emotionless and materialistic feel common to many smart devices. The team aimed to bring a sense of warmth and delight to the design, making it feel more like an exquisite piece of craftsmanship rather than just another piece of technology.

The Smartisan U3 Pro is not just about aesthetics. It also boasts innovative features that simplify its appearance while enhancing its functionality. The device employs unique invisible sensor technology, reducing the front face to a single dot and rectangle. This minimalist design approach extends to the back of the phone, where the fingerprint sensor is integrated with the Smartisan logo, resulting in a cleaner look than most smartphones.

The device's metal frame is crafted from aluminum with a dual anodized finish. A distinctive diamond-cut seam runs through the center, tying all elements on the side of the phone together. This attention to detail and commitment to design excellence is what sets the Smartisan U3 Pro apart from other smartphones on the market.

The Smartisan U3 Pro's design excellence has not gone unnoticed. In 2018, it was awarded the Golden A' Digital and Electronic Device Design Award, a prestigious accolade granted to outstanding, trendsetting creations that advance art, science, design, and technology. The award recognizes products and ideas that embody extraordinary excellence and have a significant impact on the world.

The Smartisan U3 Pro is a testament to the Smartisan Industrial Design Team's ability to merge aesthetics and functionality in a smartphone design. It is a device that not only delights users with its unique design but also enhances their lives with its innovative features. The Smartisan U3 Pro is more than just a smartphone; it is a piece of art that reflects the team's prodigy and wisdom.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Smartisan ID Team
Image Credits: Smartisan ID Team
Project Team Members: Smartisan ID Team
Project Name: Smartisan U3 Pro
Project Client: Smartisan ID Team

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