YMCI Sales Centre: A Harmonious Blend of Nature and Minimalism

Ricky Wong Designers Ltd. Transforms a Sales Centre into a Natural and Cultural Haven

Located in China's Yunnan province, the YMCI Sales Centre is a testament to the power of design in harmonizing the indoors with the outdoors. The design, conceived by Ricky Wong Designers Ltd., draws inspiration from the natural and cultural environment of the region, creating a space that is not just functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and emotionally engaging.

The design of the sales centre is unique in its approach to space and light. The designers have strategically installed floor windows to allow maximum natural light to permeate the space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The white streamlined walls and windows are organically connected, creating a seamless transition between different spaces. The overall design removes the border between indoor and outdoor, making natural light the soul of the design.

The use of natural elements is a defining feature of the YMCI Sales Centre. The design team has used a minimalist aesthetic to express a harmonious relationship between nature and culture. The layout is tailored to the needs of the client, ensuring that the space is not only visually appealing but also functional. The use of white as the main tone offers limitless possibilities for imagination and creates a sense of space beauty.

Attention to detail is evident in the choice of materials and furniture. Natural wood color is used in various veneers, including the ceiling, bookshelves, and walls, to create a sense of boundary-less space. Deep-colored, meticulously tailored furniture is placed in multiple areas to emphasize modernity and give the space a distinctive feel. The bar area, decorated with glass, wood, and snow-white marble, offers a unique experience to the customers.

The design of the YMCI Sales Centre is not just about aesthetics; it is also about interaction. A monumental staircase in the heart of the sales centre allows natural light to reach the exhibition zone through the glass ceiling. The curved shape facade and the corrugated form of the wall surface create a series of visual experiences, presenting the characteristics of the natural landscape.

The YMCI Sales Centre is a testament to the power of design in creating spaces that are not just functional but also emotionally engaging. The design, which was completed in 2017, has been recognized with a Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018. This prestigious award is a testament to the design's outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ricky Wong Designers Ltd
Project Team Members: Ricky Wong Designers
Project Name: YMCI
Project Client: Ricky Wong Designers Ltd


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