Jungle Collection: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

Sini Majuri's Award-Winning Glass Vase Collection

Renowned Finnish designer, Sini Majuri, presents the Jungle Collection, a series of glass vases that harmoniously blend traditional Scandinavian design with innovative 3D technology. Inspired by the serenity and wildness of nature, the collection has been recognized with the prestigious Golden A' Furniture Design Award in 2019.

Sini Majuri's Jungle Collection is a testament to the designer's ability to draw inspiration from the natural world. The concept for the collection was born from a moment when a wave rolled upon the shore - a soft yet intense sound that encapsulated the contrasting elements of tranquility and intensity found in nature. This harmony is reflected in the Jungle Collection, which combines the serenity and wildness of water and trees.

The collection stands out for its unique properties. It merges 3D-design with old glass blowing techniques, resulting in three distinct shapes based on Scandinavian traditions: tall, oval, and wide. These simple shapes reflect the serenity of the medium, while being weightless and strong at the same time. Each piece is mouth-blown and shaped by hand, signed and numbered, and features a unique color play inside the glass, creating a multi-dimensional visual effect.

The Jungle Collection was realized using mouth-blown glass, metal oxides, glass colors, and 3D designed shapes. The process of blowing glass, which involves the material being 1000 degrees Celsius hot and alive until it is frozen into its final shape, gives each piece an organic motion that comes from the movement of the material. The collection took a year to complete, starting in fall 2017 and launching in January 2018. It has since been exhibited at five European Design Fairs, as well as in Hong Kong, Toronto, and New York.

Despite the challenges of creating an interior design object that has its own persona and soul, and resonates with nature, Majuri successfully created a collection of uniform shapes that work as individuals and also as a group. The illusion of lightness was achieved by using extremely heavy and thick glass, capturing the movement of water and old oak treetops within the pieces.

With the Jungle Collection, Sini Majuri has once again demonstrated her commitment to creating designs that are not only visually stunning but also reflect the designer's deep respect for nature and traditional craftsmanship. The collection is a perfect example of how innovation and tradition can come together to create something truly extraordinary.

The Jungle Collection's recognition with the Golden A' Furniture Design Award in 2019 is a testament to its outstanding design and craftsmanship. The award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Sini Majuri
Image Credits: Heidi-Hanna Karhu, Helsinki Finland
Project Team Members: Sini Majuri, glass designer, Finland. Dutz Collection, Netherlands.
Project Name: Jungle
Project Client: Sini Majuri

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