HuangRan: Traditional Preserved Duck Packaging

Chinese Fashion Style Meets Traditional Preservation

The packaging design for HuangRan's Traditional Preserved Duck draws inspiration from a bygone era in Chinese markets. The design captures the essence of the traditional manual curing process while evoking a sense of nostalgia and emotional resonance with consumers.

The unique style of this packaging design reflects the distinct characteristics of Chinese fashion. The intricate design method used in the packaging aims to convey the product's qualities and the brand's essence through the depiction of characters.

The realization of this design is achieved through the use of Kraft Paper folding boxes, eliminating the need for special printing processes and glue. This not only reduces costs but also saves assembly time.

The specifications of the packaging measure 200mm x 285mm x 50mm, providing ample space to accommodate the Traditional Preserved Duck.

The design team, led by Design Director Lynn Tsang and designers Sha Shen, Hong Yang, and Jiecui Xiao, worked collaboratively to bring this concept to life.

The packaging design focuses on the image of a duck breeder, portraying him as a kind old man. This approach aims to evoke memories and create a connection between the brand and consumers. The fish motif, depicted through lines, adds intricate details to the design while highlighting the duck breeder.

The project commenced in April 2018 in Changsha and was completed in January 2019 in the same city. The team's research on Traditional Preserved Duck in Hunan Province revealed a lack of aesthetically pleasing packaging options. The goal was to change the perception of this traditional delicacy among modern consumers by incorporating elements of Chinese culture.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was the rarity of packaging designs for Traditional Preserved Duck in the market. The team's attempt to subvert the norm and introduce a fresh approach was met with positive feedback during market research.

HuangRan's Traditional Preserved Duck packaging design has received recognition for its excellence. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Packaging Design category in 2019. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate innovation, practicality, and adherence to professional and industrial standards.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lynn Tsang
Image Credits: Lynn Tsang
Project Team Members: Design Director:Lynn Tsang Designer:Sha Shen Designer:Hong Yang Designer:Jiecui Xiao
Project Name: HuangRan
Project Client: Lynn Tsang

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