Yinyun: A Ceramic 3D Print Art Installation

An Elegant Blend of Science and Art

The Yinyun art installation, created by Fabcraft Design Lab, is a unique and captivating piece that combines science, technology, and artistic expression. Inspired by the natural phenomenon of electromagnetic fields, Yinyun aims to create a visually stunning experience while showcasing the potential of generative design and 3D printing technology.

Yinyun is composed of 85 individual ceramic units, each one 3D printed using a mixture of recycled materials. Through the use of generative design algorithms, the electric information was extracted and visualized on every unit, resulting in a gradient effect that adds depth and complexity to the installation. The combination of ceramic 3D printing and the unique surface relief created by this technique ensures that no two units are alike, making Yinyun a truly one-of-a-kind art piece.

The realization of the Yinyun installation required close collaboration between algorithm development, 3D printing, and material experiments. The design process involved several generative algorithms, including data processing, form generation, slicing, and Gcode output. Fabcraft Design Lab's custom 3D printer, equipped with a remote extrusion system, was used to achieve the large sizes of the ceramic parts. The material used in the printing process was a mixture of white porcelain and coal ash recycled from a power plant, adding a sustainable element to the project.

Yinyun is not only visually striking but also interactive. The installation is designed to be viewed from different angles, providing a unique experience for visitors. As viewers move around the installation, they will observe an optical illusion caused by the interplay of lights and textures. The fluid surfaces of Yinyun are transformed into a layered ceramic texture, showcasing the intricate details and characteristics of 3D printing.

The Yinyun art installation has found its permanent home in the Taipower D/S ONE exhibition hall in Taipei, Taiwan. The project, which began in late 2018 and was completed in December 2019, represents a successful collaboration between traditional craftsmanship and modern digital fabrication techniques. By combining the expertise of ceramic craftsmen with the possibilities offered by 3D printing, Fabcraft Design Lab has created a piece that showcases the best of both worlds.

Yinyun has received recognition for its innovative design and technical execution. In 2020, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the 3D Printed Forms and Products Design category. This prestigious award celebrates designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

The Yinyun art installation is a testament to the power of combining traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. It serves as a reminder of the endless possibilities that arise when art, architecture, design, innovation, and technology come together to create something truly unique and inspiring.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Fabcraft Design Lab
Image Credits: Image #1: Fabcraft Design Lab Image #2: Cogitoimage International Co., Ltd. Image #3: Fabcraft Design Lab Image #4: Fabcraft Design Lab Image #5: Fabcraft Design Lab
Project Team Members: Art Director: Kamm, Kai-Yu Designer: Liu, Zhao-Wei Mechanism Design: Chen, Po-Yen Ceramic Craftsman: Lu, Tzu-Yi Ceramic Assistant: Xie, Yun-Chen
Project Name: Yinyun
Project Client: Fabcraft Design Lab

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