House on Pipes: An Architectural Marvel

Weekend Getaway Home Blends Innovation and Nature

Designed by Nagendra R and Raghunandan G, the House on Pipes is an architectural masterpiece, blending design innovation with a deep respect for nature. This award-winning structure, located on the outskirts of Bangalore, India, is a testament to the power of design to enhance lifestyle while preserving the environment.

The House on Pipes was inspired by the sleek supports and wide canopies of the trees on the site. The designers sought to emulate these natural forms, creating a structure with linear supports and minimal contact with the ground. This approach allowed for the preservation of the landscape, with the built and unbuilt spaces celebrated together as a whole.

The house, designed as a weekend getaway, is a two-bedroom space located on a 1.5-acre site filled with coconut trees. The design team used materials that would minimize contact with the soil, allowing access to the space from any direction. The landscape serves as a natural pathway, further integrating the structure with its surroundings.

The design of the House on Pipes presented a unique challenge: to create a balance between voids and solids, the built and the unbuilt. The design team, along with their structural consultant, used a staggered formation of steel pipes to provide rigidity, stiffness, and stability to the living space. The living space is covered by three layers of materials: bison board, a sheet of glass wool for thermal comfort, and fly ash blocks to reduce the temperature.

The House on Pipes is a testament to the power of design to enhance lifestyle while preserving the environment. The design team's innovative approach to architecture has resulted in a structure that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The house's minimalist design, combined with its respect for the natural landscape, has earned it the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2020.

The House on Pipes is a shining example of how design can enhance lifestyle while preserving the environment. Its innovative design, combined with its respect for the natural landscape, has earned it the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2020. This award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: PARALLAX
Image Credits: Praveen Mohandas
Project Team Members: Architect: Nagendra Ramachandra Architect: Raghunandan Gururaj Architect: Namratha Srinivas Architect: Reshma Raju Architect: Sibi Chandran
Project Name: House On Pipes
Project Client: PARALLAX

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