GrowForest: A Unique Educational Toy Promoting Forest Conservation

Designed by Peishan Cai, Wanling Gao and Haochun Hu, GrowForest is a unique learning tool that educates children about the importance of forest conservation.

GrowForest, an innovative educational toy designed by Peishan Cai, Wanling Gao and Haochun Hu, aims to enhance children's understanding of the importance of forest conservation. This unique learning tool, inspired by the current global forest crisis, is designed to echo the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 15, which focuses on the protection, conservation, and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems.

The design of GrowForest is unique in its approach to educating children about sustainable development goals. The toy set is made up of models of different tree species native to Taiwan, including acacia, incense cedar, Tochigi, Taiwan fir, camphor tree, and Asian fir. These models allow children to experience the warmth of wooden textures, the unique scent of each tree species, and understand the altitude terrain for different tree species. The set also includes an illustrated storybook to reinforce the concept of forest conservation.

GrowForest is made using Taiwan domestic woods and produced through a combination of CNC milling, lathe, and manual polishing. The surface contact of the toys is painted with environmentally friendly paint, while some parts retain the natural wood texture. The design specifications of the toys are meticulously detailed, ensuring a realistic representation of the different tree species.

The design process of GrowForest involved extensive research, focusing on the four senses of learning - smell, sight, and touch. The goal was to help children recognize different wood types and understand conservation concepts. The design team faced challenges due to the varying densities of different wood types, which affected the CNC processing. However, through trial and error, they were able to overcome these challenges and achieve the desired shapes and colors.

GrowForest is not just a toy, but a tool for education and conservation. It helps children understand the sustainable development goals of life on land, the protection, conservation, and restoration of forestry. The design team believes that by introducing children to the concept of forest conservation at a young age, they can help foster a generation that values and protects our natural ecosystems.

The design project began in July 2019 and was completed in Tainan, Taiwan in March 2020. The GrowForest design was awarded Silver in A' Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design Award in 2020, a testament to its innovative design and educational value. The design is currently patent pending.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ChungSheng Chen
Project Team Members: Instructor: ChungSheng Chen Designer: PeiShan Cai WanLing Gao HaoChun Hu Tainan University of Technology/ Product Design Department.
Project Name: GrowForest
Project Client: ChungSheng Chen

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