Once Upon a Time: A Fairytale Wine Label Design

Unveiling Giovanni Murgia's Award-Winning Wine Label Design

In a world where design and storytelling intertwine, Giovanni Murgia's award-winning wine label, Cera Una Volta, stands out. This article delves into the inspiration, unique properties, and realization technology behind this captivating design.

The Cera Una Volta wine label, designed by Giovanni Murgia, is a testament to the power of storytelling in design. Inspired by the light-heartedness of a young girl chasing her dreams, the label focuses on a light and captivating style that integrates with the golden color of the wine. The label is specifically inserted in a transparent burgundy bottle, revealing its bright and pleasantly golden color. The design represents the lightness and light-heartedness of a young girl who flies on the wings of fantasy to follow her dream, accompanied by her friend swallow who will guide her on the path to creating this wine.

What sets this design apart is its fairytale-like simplicity. The label tells the story of the birth of the wine and the person who produced it. The style chosen is deliberately like a fairytale, a bit to give a magical touch to a wine that differs greatly from the classic style of the other products of the company, but also to underline its highly expressive and dreamlike nature.

The wine label was created with a coated paper with a special texture reminiscent of a fabric. The paper has a special treatment that makes it soft and silky to the touch to increase the tactile sensation of the product. The package contains 3 bottles and recalls the label design. It is made with a cardboard covered with the same paper as the label and has a box opening.

The design of these labels is designed to give a tactile effect when picking up the bottle, thanks to the label paper and tactile processing. Soft-touch colors and embossing techniques are used to transfer the fairytale effect of the visual design. The project was started in June 2019 in Sardinia, finished and published in December 2019. The wine is on the market from January 2020.

The research to develop the project was born from the inspiration for the famous book The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and his illustrations. The abstract and fairytale concept that inspired this work comes from here. Tell this wine, born from a dream, in a dreamlike and light way. The work to get to the final illustration went through several steps up to the final version which contains the main elements of the project. The goal is to create a unique and recognizable design capable of telling a story.

Indeed, Cera Una Volta is not just a wine but also a leap into the past. It was born from the dream of creating a small oenological jewel by treasuring the teachings of the ancestors and the winemaking techniques of the past. This Design was awarded Golden in A' Packaging Design Award in 2021. Golden A' Design Award : Granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Giovanni Murgia
Image Credits: 3D Render: Bruno Haver Photography: Giovanni Murgia
Project Team Members: Giovanni Murgia - Art direction Sara Pilloni: Illustration Bruno Haver: 3D bottle rendering
Project Name: Cera Una Volta
Project Client: Giovanni Murgia

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Cera Una Volta IMG #5

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