Revolutionizing Sake Packaging: Souryu by Yoshiki Uchida

Yoshiki Uchida's Award-Winning Design Merges Tradition with Modern Aesthetics

Yoshiki Uchida's design for Souryu's sake packaging is a perfect blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics and modern design principles. This innovative approach has not only won the Platinum A' Packaging Design Award in 2019 but also marked a significant shift in the perception of sake packaging.

Yoshiki Uchida's design for the Souryu sake packaging was inspired by the quality of water, a crucial component in the creation of Japanese sake. The packaging features three types of labels, each designed to express a stream of water and the concept of wabi-sabi, a Japanese aesthetic that emphasizes quiet simplicity and subdued refinement. The calligraphy on the labels further enhances the smooth taste of the sake, making the packaging a visual treat for the consumers.

Chiyonokame Shuzo, a sake brewery located in Uchiko town, Ehime, Japan, has been creating high-quality sake for over 300 years. The brewery's respect for local rice, water, and air is reflected in the design of the Souryu packaging. The new company logo, also designed by Yoshiki Uchida, symbolizes the brewery's hope to continue their centuries-old tradition.

The Souryu packaging design marks a dramatic departure from the traditional, old-fashioned sake packaging. This innovative design allows consumers to enjoy the sake even before they open the bottle, making the entire experience more enjoyable. The design team, including Shohei Onodera, Manuela Paul-Cavallier, Ukyo Kamigori, and Takaomi Watanabe, played a crucial role in bringing this vision to life.

Yoshiki Uchida's design for the Souryu packaging was awarded the Platinum A' Packaging Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that contribute to societal wellbeing. The award is a testament to the design's unmatched professionalism, genius, and its role in advancing the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology.

In conclusion, Yoshiki Uchida's design for the Souryu sake packaging is a perfect example of how innovative design can revolutionize traditional industries. By merging traditional aesthetics with modern design principles, Yoshiki Uchida has set a new standard for sake packaging, making it a visual treat for consumers and a symbol of the brewery's commitment to quality and tradition.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yoshiki Uchida
Image Credits: Yoshiki Uchida
Project Team Members: client : CHIYONOMAME-SHUZO CD/AD/D : Yoshiki Uchida D : Shohei Onodera Artist : Manuela Paul-Cavallier Calligrapher:Ukyo Kamigori Photographer : Takaomi Watanabe
Project Name: Souryu
Project Client: Yoshiki Uchida

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