Jian Lin: A Colorful Training Center Empowering Children's Creativity

Transforming Traditional Education Spaces into Artistic Havens

Inspired by the imagination and artistic talents of children, designer Jiaxuan Chen has created a unique and vibrant training center that breaks away from the conventional "corridor plus classroom" model. With a focus on continuity, creativity, and transformation, this design provides children with an engaging and stimulating environment to learn, create, and communicate freely.

The training center, located in Wenzhou, covers a total area of 700 square meters. Chen's design aims to empower children by transforming the space into a paradise for artistic expression. The base color of the center is a clean white, reminiscent of a blank canvas, allowing children to activate their imagination and add their own artistic touches to the space.

One of the standout features of the design is the use of soft lines to create a tortuous spatial hierarchy. These lines slowly open up spaces for children to explore and unleash their creativity. Upon entering the center, children are greeted by a long strip of creative paintings, showcasing infinite possibilities and diverse ways of artistic expression.

A horizontally elongated blue arc runs through the entire space, starting from the lobby and guiding children through different areas. This interlaced and continuous arc serves as a symbol of spatial connection, encouraging children to follow its path and explore the various learning and play areas.

The design also incorporates a transparent glass room, which serves as a picture book area. This triangular plot creates a cozy nook for children to express their dreams. Yellow dots on the glass resemble bubbles blown by children, encircling their joyful experiences. Here, children can relax and immerse themselves in a transparent and clean paradise, adopting various postures such as sitting, lying, and leaning.

Chen faced several challenges during the design process, including the presence of small structural columns and irregularities in the original space. However, these obstacles were turned into advantages, as the columns became the guiding lines for the space. The designers skillfully integrated the columns into the overall design, creating a well-organized spatial sequence without any obstacles for children.

The Jian Lin training center is a testament to the power of creativity and innovation in education spaces. By breaking away from traditional models and embracing artistic expression, this design provides children with a unique and enriching learning environment.


Image #1: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020.

Image #2: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020.

Image #3: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020.

Image #4: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020.

Image #5: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020.

Awards and Accolades:

This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2021. The Bronze A' Design Award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jiaxuan Chen
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020. Image #2: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020. Image #3: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020. Image #4: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020. Image #5: Photographer Ninglong Xu, Jian Lin, 2020.
Project Team Members: Jiaxuan Chen
Project Name: Jian Lin
Project Client: Jiaxuan Chen

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Jian Lin IMG #5

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