High Hopes: A Unique Residential Villa by Mahyar Arab Bourbour

Combining Past, Present, and Future in a Stunning Design

The main design idea of this villa is to show three times: past, present, and future and the effect of times on each other. Mahyar Arab Bourbour, the renowned architect, has created a masterpiece that seamlessly blends architectural symbols and innovative technology.

This residential villa, aptly named "High Hopes," is a testament to the power of design to evoke emotions and create a harmonious living space. The villa showcases the influence of the past, the comfort of the present, and the sustainability of the future.

The design concept of High Hopes revolves around two main elements: the plan and the volume. The plan draws inspiration from the main lines of the Zayand Rud River, representing the passage of time. These lines, symbolizing the past and the future, intertwine and create a dynamic flow throughout the villa. The volume of the villa is a composition of a mountain, symbolizing ambition, and an Iranian arch, representing the past. Together, these elements form a visually striking and meaningful structure.

What sets High Hopes apart is its commitment to energy efficiency. The villa utilizes innovative technologies to save energy and provide a comfortable living environment. Canopies are strategically placed in the openings to maximize or minimize sunlight based on the season. A glass atrium allows natural light to flood the central areas of the building. The openings are designed to take advantage of natural airflow, filtered by plants in front of the windows. Each room has two windows, ensuring proper ventilation. The atrium acts as a chimney, facilitating air circulation. These features contribute to a 70% reduction in energy consumption.

The realization of High Hopes is a testament to the integration of technology and design. Mahyar Arab Bourbour employed algorithmic architecture to address climatic parameters such as sun, wind, rain, and snow. The design process also considered environmental factors like views and slopes. The implementation involved the use of ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) blocks for the structure, providing thermal insulation and seismic resistance. Thermal break aluminum windows were chosen for their excellent thermal insulation properties. The selection of materials, including mineral silicate paints for the final coating, ensures durability and resistance to moisture and dust.

High Hopes boasts impressive specifications, with a gross built area of 765 square meters and a project infrastructure of 305 square meters. The villa is divided into two main sections: the public and private areas. The public area includes a filter and dressing room, a salon with a terrace, a living room with a central courtyard, and a kitchen. The private area consists of a master bedroom for parents, a master bedroom for a child, two guest bedrooms, and a service area. The landscape features different elevation codes, creating a visually captivating environment.

The design of High Hopes is not only visually stunning but also functional. The combination of three different times—past, present, and future—creates a space that resonates with the occupants. The architectural symbols and algorithms used in the design process optimize functionality, circulation, and the creation of unique spaces. The integration of traditional and modern materials enhances comfort, energy efficiency, and earthquake resistance.

High Hopes is located in the picturesque town of Chadegan in Isfahan, Iran. The project commenced in July 2015 and was completed in October 2017. The design and implementation process faced various challenges, including the steep slope, severe winter cold, and distance from city facilities. However, these obstacles were overcome through creative problem-solving and the application of architectural algorithms.

This remarkable design has garnered recognition and accolades. High Hopes was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2022. This prestigious award recognizes designs that exhibit technical and creative excellence, contributing to improvements in quality of life.

High Hopes, designed by Mahyar Arab Bourbour, is a testament to the power of design to create spaces that inspire and uplift. By combining elements from the past, present, and future, this residential villa offers a unique and sustainable living experience.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mahyar Arab BourBour
Image Credits: Main image #1 : DEED STUDIO ,2019,High Hopes Villa Optional Image #2,3,4,5 : DEED STUDIO ,2019,High Hopes Villa
Project Team Members: Senior architect: Mahyar Arab bourbour Team: Bahram Arab , Mehdi Khani
Project Name: High Hopes
Project Client: Mahyar Arab BourBour

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