Revitalizing Boutique Design: Qyf by Sun Concepts Office

Modernist Aesthetics Meet Innovative Display in Award-Winning Boutique

As cities evolve, so too must their urban spaces. Sun Concepts Office has risen to this challenge with their redesign of Qyf, a multi-brand boutique with a 20-year history. Their innovative design approach has not only revitalized the brand but also introduced new consumption patterns and lifestyle trends to local consumers.

Qyf, located at the intersection of busy streets, is a beacon of modernist aesthetics. The design team utilized large glass panels to transform the store into a large showcase, attracting the attention of passersby. The use of reflective mirrors further enhances the visual depth of the space, creating an illusion of a larger area.

The design team faced the challenge of displaying a wide range of products without compromising the integrity of the space. Their solution was to leverage massive planes, foregoing traditional shelving. This approach, coupled with a circular moving line within the store, allows visitors to appreciate every item on display.

Materials played a significant role in the realization of the design. The team ingeniously used geometry and colors in conjunction with hard materials like metal, stone, and glass. These elements not only conveyed the boutique's focus on female brands but also reflected the brand's advocacy for the independence and freedom of modern women.

The project, which started in April 2021 and was completed in October of the same year, was not without its challenges. The original architectural structure was detrimental to the design solution's integrity. The team had to harmonize the structure columns with the storage shelves, creating a visually pleasing space.

The design team's efforts were recognized when the project won the Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2022. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and a high level of excellence.

Qyf's redesign by Sun Concepts Office is a testament to the power of design in revitalizing a brand and influencing consumption patterns. It stands as a beacon of modernist aesthetics and innovative display solutions, setting a new standard for boutique design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: SUN CONCEPTS OFFICE
Image Credits: Liu Zheng and Wang Minjie
Project Team Members: Liu Zheng
Project Name: QYF


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