Ocean Blue: Exquisite Alcoholic Beverage Packaging

An Exemplary Design by Jingzhang Xiao and Dongyan Ruan

The elements of sea and beach come together in the Ocean Blue bottle design, created by Jingzhang Xiao and Dongyan Ruan. With its golden sparks symbolizing ideals and sea blue color representing hope, the design exudes a youthful, optimistic, and ambitious image. The bottle's exquisite craftsmanship and unique features make it stand out in the world of alcoholic beverage packaging.

The Ocean Blue bottle is a true work of art, evoking the feeling of a vast ocean. Its shape, inspired by the golden ratio and waves, is both flexible and smooth, adhering to the principles of rational aesthetics. The designers used the Fibonacci spiral to create a balanced, elegant, and dynamic super golden ratio of "point, line, and surface." This not only enhances the bottle's visual appeal but also ensures a comfortable grip and easy opening, meeting ergonomic design standards.

What sets the Ocean Blue design apart is the innovative use of copper plate lithography, a first in the baijiu bottle industry. The designers also employed techniques such as cat-eye making and embossing to give the bottle a luxurious texture, providing customers with a brand-new sensory experience.

The realization of the Ocean Blue design involves the use of high-quality materials. The bottle itself is made of blue material, weighing 510g. The cap is composed of various parts containing PS, ABS, PC, PE, or EPE. The outer box features grey board paper with positioned photo-engraved paper and a blister top, while the interior is mounted on white board paper with a foam pad and woven blister.

Throughout the design process, the team faced various challenges, including the prevalence of counterfeit products in the market. To combat this, they focused on anti-counterfeiting measures, incorporating a utility model patent for a composite buckle. This buckle, made through plastic injection molding, features a metal insert rod and ensures the authenticity of the Ocean Blue product.

The upgraded Ocean Blue design is a result of in-depth market research, online questionnaires, and offline seminars. The designers aimed to enhance the overall quality and grade of the packaging by addressing previous shortcomings. The focus was on upgrading the outer boxes, bottle labels, handbags, and outer cases, combining modern and stylish design elements.

The Ocean Blue design has garnered recognition for its excellence. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Packaging Design category in 2023. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that exhibit outstanding creativity and resourcefulness, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. The Ocean Blue design not only showcases strong technical and creative skills but also contributes to improving the quality of life, making it a true gem in the world of packaging design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wen Liu
Image Credits: Wen Liu
Project Team Members: Creative Director:Liandong Zhang; Creative Director:Huashuang Liu; Creative Director:Zhaoxin Zhu; Designer:Jingzhang Xiao; Designer:Ru Li; Designer:Aizong Lin
Project Name: Ocean Blue
Project Client: Wen Liu

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