Zero: The Future of Beverage Packaging

China Resources Snow Breweries Ltd. Unveils Innovative Design for Gen Z

Zero, a low-alcohol, low-calorie hard sparkling water, is set to revolutionize beverage packaging with its unique design and concept. The innovative packaging, designed to appeal to the Gen Z market, has already garnered a Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2023.

The inspiration for Zero's packaging comes from the concept of midnight, symbolized by the name Zero. This time signifies both an end and a beginning, a time for celebration and the welcoming of a new day. The design team at China Resources Snow Breweries Ltd. wanted to encapsulate this idea of endless enjoyment, and thus, the infinity symbol was incorporated into the design. The figure 0 adopts a 3D liquid metal font effect, adding a futuristic appeal that aligns with the consumption scenarios of the target market.

What sets Zero apart from other beverages in the market is its unique packaging design. The infinity symbol, representing endless happy hours, is a vivid interpretation of the experience the hard sparkling water aims to provide. The illustrations on the bottles are inspired by pioneer visual arts such as Expressionism and Memphis, creating a strong aesthetic appeal to the Gen Z consumers who appreciate visually pleasing designs.

The packaging is realized using aluminum cans and glass bottles, with the water drop shape of the bottles designed to connect mouth to mouth, forming a new infinity symbol. This subtle design element adds a playful touch and encourages social interaction among consumers. The bottle measures 222 mm in height and holds 288 ml, while the can stands at 145 mm and contains 330 ml.

The design and development of Zero began in Beijing in September 2021, with plans to introduce the product to the Chinese market in August 2023. The design team conducted extensive research to understand the preferences of the Gen Z consumers, leading to the creation of a product that offers a mental habitat for them to express their true personalities during leisure moments.

One of the challenges faced during the design process was standing out in a market saturated with similar products. The solution was to use the 3D liquid metal font effect on the figure 0, visually conveying the low-calorie and refreshing taste of the product. The various art styles used in the illustrations also help to reinterpret the concept of Zero, exuding a coherent vibe of futurism.

In conclusion, Zero is more than just a low-calorie drink. It represents the concept of endless enjoyment, symbolized by the infinity symbol and the concept of midnight. The futuristic style, combined with the innovative use of pioneer visual art, makes Zero a deserving winner of the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2023.

Project Details and Credits

Project Team Members: Dong Yan Weixi Zhou Yu Zhai
Project Name: Snow Zero

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