Baidu Onsite Service Experience

Mobile App for Online Domestic Service Booking

A Reliable and Efficient Solution for Domestic Service Merchants and Users

Affected by the pandemic, domestic service merchants have gradually increased their awareness of and demand for digitalization. They need a reliable online platform to promote relevant businesses, so as to face the changing market environment. Inspired by this, the Baidu Onsite Service Experience program uses digital assistance to shorten the merchant service process and optimize the dual experience of the merchant and the user.

This small program for online domestic service booking aims to reduce the online operating costs of businesses through digital means, optimize the service level, and provide users with a safer and more reliable online household booking process. With clear business thumbnails, intuitive and simplified operation, and familiar interface design, it is easy for users to quickly locate the required services and optimize the use efficiency.

Relying on the open platform, the AI assistant generates interactive dialog box models suitable for scene intention and reaches commercial standards after passing background tests. The backend algorithm establishes the scoring strategy of service quality, and the machine automatically generates the scoring report and updates the ranking of merchants on the page regularly. The platform will record the user orders information and provide evidence in case of loss of user rights and interests.

Users can access the small program from the Baidu APP, browse the service interface to compare preferential schemes, and select the best merchants. After entering the merchant page, users can select the required service and initiate the payment process. When a merchant accepts an order, the app alerts users with a message and provides them with a real-time map to check the location of the merchant.

The Baidu Onsite Service Experience program was designed and developed in Beijing in October 2020 and launched in China in February 2021. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2023. This award recognizes its well-designed, practical, and innovative features that meet professional and industrial requirements. The program integrates industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Baidu Online Network Technology. Beijing
Image Credits: Baidu Online Network Technology. Beijing
Project Team Members: Yuan Lu Yang Xiao Yujie Shi Yanji Zhang Lei Lu Ruixing Zhang Xuejiao Chen Ziru Xu Jun Sun Zhiyuan Zhang Pingkang Diao
Project Name: Baidu Onsite Service Experience
Project Client: Baidu Online Network Technology. Beijing

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