Artem: The Shared Art App Revolutionizing the Art World

Empowering Artists and Art Appreciators Alike

Artists, especially young starters who are freelancers and amateurs, lack a source of continuous income as they rely on one-off payments from selling their work, usually with high commission fees to galleries. This was the case for one of the founders of Artem. At the same time, a number of art appreciators need art to enrich their living or work experience. But the reality is they cannot afford to buy art, not to mention changing art frequently.

Artem is a platform that shares idle art pieces from artists with appreciators. It allows art lovers to rent art through a mobile app. Artem solves two problems - young artists possess much artwork but only earn once they sell to galleries. Millennials who appreciate art, on the other hand, have low affordability for art. For artists, Artem brings continuous income, recognition, exposure, and reputation. For art appreciators, Artem enables them to enjoy art without having to own it.

With Artem, art appreciators can finally have access to a wide range of art pieces without the burden of ownership. Want to change the print in your house? Now you can transform it into a unique art piece at an affordable rate. The app is easy to use, and environmentally friendly deliveries and insurance can also be easily arranged with just one click.

The Artem platform was developed using Adobe Illustration, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and Sketch. The app's interface is designed to be user-friendly, with a 5.5-inch screen size and a resolution ratio of 1920x1080.

The Artem project started in December 2018 in London and was completed in January 2019. The design team, led by Yifei Wu, also included Yihan Dong, Chu Wang, and Cheuk Laam Wong.

The development of Artem was based on thorough research, employing design thinking methodology. The team conducted interviews, analyzed art market business models, and held workshops to understand the needs and challenges faced by young artists, art appreciators, galleries staff, art agencies, and art experts. By delving into the discontinuous income of artists and the low affordability challenge for art appreciators, the team created an app that allows art pieces to be rented in a shared economy business model, providing additional income for artists and greater affordability for art lovers.

Artem's innovative approach to art rental has not gone unnoticed. In 2019, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Artem's incorporation of best practices in art, science, design, and technology showcases strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making the world a better place.

Artem is revolutionizing the art world by empowering artists and art appreciators alike. With its shared art app, it is bridging the gap between artists in need of continuous income and art enthusiasts with limited affordability. Through Artem, art becomes accessible, affordable, and ever-changing, enriching the lives of both artists and appreciators.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yifei Wu
Image Credits: Yifei Wu
Project Team Members: Yifei Wu Yihan Dong Chu Wang Cheuk Laam Wong
Project Name: Artem
Project Client: Yifei Wu

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