Scentbon Perfume: A Breath of Fresh Air in Retail Design

Taipei's Fragrance Store Revolutionizes Shopping Experience

Designed by Tai+Associates, Scentbon Perfume store in Taipei offers a unique shopping experience, merging the city's history with modern design elements. This innovative retail space has been recognized with a Silver A' Design Award.

The inspiration behind Scentbon Perfume's design is as unique as the store itself. Tai Chen, the lead designer, drew from the concept of human breathing - the inhale and exhale, the sense of life it brings. This concept is visually represented in the store's two showcase shelves, embodying the rhythm of breathing in and out.

Scentbon Perfume stands out from other retail spaces due to its unique blend of historical and modern elements. The front door, made of iron and wood, connects the indoor area with the bustling streets of Taipei. The shop window invites natural light into the store, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The iron handles and signboard reflect the light and the branches of the Frangipani tree in the front garden, adding a touch of nature to the urban setting.

The store's unique properties extend to its display shelves, made of stainless steel and situated in front of the original brick walls. These see-through shelves not only showcase over 240 fragrances but also allow the history of the space to seep into the modern design. The shelves' transparency and the ease of moving and placing items revolutionize the shopping experience, providing customers with more control and convenience.

The design process involved the careful manufacture and installation of the showcase shelves, each measuring 6000mm in width, 500mm in depth, and 2000mm in height. The design team, led by Tai Chen, included VP Chen Te Chang, Design Director PJ Hou, Assistant Designer YJ Lee, Photographer Blake Wang, Video Producer Rou An Shih, and Public Relations specialist Yu Yu Lin.

Despite the challenge of preserving the original building while infusing it with a new style, the design team successfully transformed the space into a modern, customer-friendly store. The project, completed in 2022, is a testament to the team's dedication to innovation and design excellence.

The Silver A' Design Award, awarded to Scentbon Perfume, recognizes the store's outstanding design, innovation, and technical excellence. This prestigious accolade is a testament to the design's ability to evoke positive feelings, amazement, and wonder, further solidifying Tai+Associates' reputation in the field of interior space, retail, and exhibition design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tai Chen
Image Credits: Image #1 : Tai+Associates Photographer Blake Wang, Scentbon Perfume, 2022. Image #2 : Tai+Associates Photographer Blake Wang, Scentbon Perfume, 2022. Image #3 : Tai+Associates Photographer Blake Wang, Scentbon Perfume, 2022. Image #4 : Tai+Associates Photographer Blake Wang, Scentbon Perfume, 2022. Image #5 : Tai+Associates Photographer Blake Wang, Scentbon Perfume, 2022. Video Credits: Tai+Associates
Project Team Members: GM: Tai Chen VP: Chen Te Chang Design Director: PJ Hou Assistant Designer: YJ Lee Photographer: Blake Wang Video Producer: Rou An Shih Public Relations: Yu Yu Lin
Project Name: Scentbon Perfume
Project Client: Tai Chen

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Scentbon Perfume IMG #5

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