Leisurely Vacation: A Luxurious Residence in Taipei

A Corner of Taipei Transformed into a Serene Getaway

In order to conform to the simple and luxurious style preferred by the owner and meet the use demand, designer Ching Feng Chang spent 10 months completely renovating the old house. The result is a stunning residence that offers a sense of tranquility and elegance.

In the 182 square meters space in Taipei, the designer rearranged the layout of the house to create an open and spacious environment. The public space avoids too many compartments, presenting a sense of openness like a presidential suite. The large French windows offer a breathtaking view of the mountains, allowing the residents to feel as if they are on a leisurely vacation in the heart of Taipei.

One of the unique features of this design is the clever use of open spaces and strategic bed placement. Whether in the kitchen or on the bed, the house owners can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window. The master bedroom, for example, has the bed placed in the gap of the L-shaped window, allowing the residents to collect the bright lighting and uninterrupted view. This thoughtful arrangement ensures that every corner of the residence is designed for maximum comfort and enjoyment.

The color scheme of the residence revolves around white, creating a luxurious and serene atmosphere. Dark soft decorations and carefully chosen ornaments add a touch of sophistication. The materials used, such as marble, imported Italian thin brick, titanium plating metal, yellow colored glass, and wood floor, enhance the sense of luxury while maintaining a low-key elegance.

Another noteworthy aspect of this design is the attention to detail. From the Italian thin brick and granite TV wall in the living room to the 15cm deep serpentine curtain, every element is carefully chosen to create a delicate and comfortable ambiance, reminiscent of a top hotel.

Ching Feng Chang's design for the "Leisurely Vacation" residence not only meets the needs and preferences of the owners but also transforms a corner of Taipei into a serene getaway. The thoughtful layout, open spaces, and attention to detail make this residence a truly unique and luxurious living space.

This design was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes the outstanding creativity and ingenuity of the design, as well as its contribution to improving the quality of life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ching Feng Chang
Image Credits: Ching Feng Chang
Project Team Members: Ching Feng Chang
Project Name: Leisurely Vacation
Project Client: Ching Feng Chang

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