Melody Lau's Poly City Gather: A Symphony of Art and Architecture

Golden A' Design Award Winner Transforms Sales Center into Artistic Realm

Renowned designer Melody Lau has transformed a sales center into an artistic realm of freedom, earning the prestigious Golden A' Design Award. The Poly City Gather project in Shijiazhuang, China, is a testament to Lau's innovative approach to design, blending aesthetics, functionality, and sensory delight.

Instead of relying on intricate adornment, Lau has chosen to reverse function and deconstruct form. Extracting simple shapes and bright elements from the complexity of nature, she has tied creativity to spatial scenes, radiating constant vitality. The result is a harmonious blend of functional layout, aesthetics, and sensory pleasure.

The centerpiece of the design is a 12m high, 9m open atrium, topped with a dome that gives visitors a sensation of limitless fantasy. As one wanders through the space, the eyes are drawn to the interplay of light and shadow, the pure white texture, regular lines of indentations, and cascading hollow details. The overall effect is a poetic image of layered mountains, transporting visitors into a fully artistic realm of freedom.

Another unique feature is the midair corridor, a joint area that exudes natural beauty. With a height of 12 meters and a stunning symmetrical pattern, the elegant marble encloses a moving scene in the solemn vestibule. The designer has used light as a medium, conveying the artistic aesthetics of spatial texture.

The project, which covers an area of 1,250 square meters, is one of the top high-end City series properties of Poly Group. It is centered on the CBD and boasts an effective road network. The symbiosis of culture and art opens the double cover of healthy living and artistic taste of the city.

The concept of art, humanities, and health runs throughout the entire project. This has resulted in the final realization of the value resonance and spiritual harmony between the space design and the product itself, as well as the expression of the limitless implications of symbiosis between nature, art, architecture, and space.

The Poly City Gather project was completed in August 2022. It has since been recognized with the Golden A' Design Award, a testament to Lau's prodigious talent and wisdom. The award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Melody Lau
Image Credits: Photographer One Thousand Degrees Vision
Project Team Members: Melody Lau
Project Name: Poly City Gather
Project Client: Melody Lau

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