Yi Tung Hung's Self Defense Mechanism: A Garment for the Information Age

Winner of the Iron A' Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design Award in 2023

In an era of information overload, designer Yi Tung Hung has created a garment that serves as a protective layer, helping wearers maintain clarity and calm. The Self Defense Mechanism, a unique clothing line, symbolizes the blurring of reality and the need for mental clarity in today's fast-paced world.

Yi Tung Hung, a designer based in Taipei, was inspired by the challenges of living in an age of information explosions. The messages that one receives in a day are far more than a person can handle, leading to a sense of overwhelm. This clothing line is designed to serve as a protective layer, helping individuals to stabilize in this chaotic world.

The unique properties of this collection lie in its ability to embody the concept of self-protection in our daily lives. The appearance of the garment easily communicates the whole concept. The clothes are designed to shield wearers from the world full of information, enabling them to maintain a clear and calm mind.

The garments were realized using neuron and mesh geometry on prints, symbolizing the spread and blur of information. This technique helps to create a visual representation of the outside world, while maintaining the wearer's mental clarity. The garments were created by sewing cotton and nylon mesh together to create a new texture, similar to the pattern designed for this collection.

The design process began in September 2021 and concluded in March 2022 in Taipei. The concept originated from the designer's imagination of hiding in his own womb and observing the world. The real self hides inside while the fake self controls the individual's life, similar to how Augmented Reality works. The initial research was filled with images of AR, neurons, and electricity, representing feelings and neurotransmission.

The biggest challenge in creating this collection was to replicate the shape of neurons by sewing cotton and nylon mesh together. Despite the difficulties, the final product successfully embodies the concept of self-protection in the face of information overload. The Self Defense Mechanism is not just a clothing line, but a statement about the need for mental clarity in today's fast-paced world.

The Self Defense Mechanism was awarded the Iron A' Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design Award in 2023. This award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The award recognizes the integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yi Tung Hung
Image Credits: [#No.1: Photographer Hsinyen Lu, Self-defense mechanism, 2022 / Creator Yi Tung Hung (Designer)] [#No.2: Photographer Hsinyen Lu, Self-defense Mechanism, 2022 / Creator Yi Tung Hung (Designer)] [#No.3: Photographer Hsinyen Lu, Self-defense mechanism, 2022 / Creator Yi Tung Hung (Designer)] [#No.4: Photographer Hsinyen Lu / Creator Yi Tung Hung (Designer)] [#No.5: Photographer Hsinyen Lu / Creator Yi Tung Hung (Designer)]
Project Team Members: Yi Tung Hung
Project Name: Self Defense Mechanism
Project Client: Yi Tung Hung

Self Defense Mechanism IMG #2
Self Defense Mechanism IMG #3
Self Defense Mechanism IMG #4
Self Defense Mechanism IMG #5
Self Defense Mechanism IMG #5

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