Playtime: Fashion Meets Interactive Technology

Exploring the Intersection of Fashion Design and Technology

Inspired by director Jacques Tati's film of the same title, Playtime by Ying Gao is a groundbreaking project that pushes the boundaries of fashion design and interactive technologies. This innovative collection of interactive clothing challenges the viewer's perception of objects in space and creates a unique and immersive experience.

Playtime exists at the intersection of fashion design and interactive technologies. It references two key scenes of Tati's film, presenting a world where modern architecture and urban surveillance are overtly present. The garments in this collection utilize stylistic techniques such as trompe l'oeil and mirror effects to fool the viewer and provoke reflection on appearances.

What sets Playtime apart is its ability to transform and react to its environment. The dresses are equipped with sensors and motors concealed within the fabric, as well as custom software running on a microcontroller. When a viewer attempts to capture an image of the dresses using a camera, the garments react and fragment, deconstructing and becoming soft and vague. This interaction between the garment and the camera creates an immersive and visually captivating experience.

The first dress in the collection appears blurry in recorded images, making it difficult for the viewer to capture its true essence. The second dress, on the other hand, reacts to the flash of the camera, becoming a light source itself when a photo is taken. This dynamic interaction between the garments and the camera adds an element of surprise and wonder to the collection.

Playtime was realized using super organza, the world's lightest fabric, as well as PVDF textile, micro motors, light sensors, and Arduino technology. The dresses have adjustable structures that allow for free-flowing dimensions, enabling them to transform into numerous shapes. This experimental modular construction of garments showcases the integration of electronic and digital technologies in the world of fashion.

The Playtime collection has been showcased at various prestigious venues, including the Design Museum Holon, C2-MTL in Montreal, Museums Quartier in Vienna, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Quebec City. Its unique blend of fashion and technology has garnered international recognition and acclaim.

Ying Gao, the fashion designer behind Playtime, collaborated with Simon Laroche for the robotics aspect of the project. Together, they overcame creative, technical, and research challenges to bring this innovative collection to life. The adjustable structure of the garments and the integration of interactive technologies required meticulous planning and execution.

Playtime was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Fashion, Apparel, and Garment Design category in 2013. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. The collection has captivated audiences with its technical prowess and ability to evoke positive emotions.

Playtime by Ying Gao is a testament to the power of merging fashion design and interactive technologies. It challenges traditional notions of clothing and creates an immersive and transformative experience for both the wearer and the viewer. This groundbreaking collection pushes the boundaries of art, architecture, design, and technology, making it a true masterpiece in the world of fashion.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ying gao
Image Credits: ying gao
Project Team Members: Fashion designer Ying Gao and her collaborator Simon Laroche for robotics
Project Name: Playtime
Project Client: ying gao

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