LED Lighting Dress: A Unique Fusion of Fashion and Lighting

Combining Art, Fashion, and Technology in a Wearable Masterpiece

LED lighting has taken on a new form with the creation of a stunning dress that merges fashion and lighting in a truly innovative way. Designed by Duna Cho, this one-of-a-kind dress showcases the beauty and versatility of LED lighting while paying homage to traditional Korean craftsmanship.

LED lights have long been known for their ability to evoke human emotion through color. In this design, LED lights are installed on a real paper dress, creating a mesmerizing display of light and fashion. Each LED light represents a different color, symbolizing delight and gratitude. The paper dress itself represents a bride, symbolizing the sharing of joy and positive emotions through the illumination of LED lighting. Not only is this dress a work of art, but it also serves as a functional interior lighting sculpture.

What sets this design apart is the use of Korean traditional papers, known as Hanji, to create a garment that seamlessly integrates with the LED lighting. The dress is made using the same process as traditional garments, ensuring a perfect fit and allowing for precise control of the LED light's intensity. Hanji's unique properties make it the ideal material for this design, enhancing the overall aesthetic and functionality of the dress.

The realization of this design involved the use of Korean traditional paper, such as garment paper and wallpaper, to construct the dress. The red color was dyed using the same techniques as real fabric, adding depth and richness to the design. LED lighting, commonly used for Christmas trees, was chosen for its affordability, safety, and ease of availability. Paper tapes were used to securely fix the LED lights in place, ensuring they stay in position throughout wear.

This LED lighting dress is not only a beautiful decorative craft but also a functional piece of fashion. Its unique combination of lighting, craftsmanship, and wearability makes it a truly intriguing creation. The dress can be easily reused or removed, allowing for versatility in both fashion and interior decoration.

Designed by Duna Cho, this LED lighting dress showcases the endless possibilities of merging fashion and lighting. Its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and movement create a captivating visual experience. The dress is not only a piece of wearable art but also a testament to the designer's creativity and innovation.

The LED lighting dress project began in March 2015 in Seoul and was completed in April 2015. It was featured in the 2015 fashion contest in Korea, where it garnered attention and praise for its unique blend of fashion and technology.

Duna Cho's research for this design focused on exploring the intersection of fashion and lighting. By breaking the boundaries between the two, the designer was able to create a truly groundbreaking piece. The use of different types of paper, including garment paper, wallpaper, and string paper, allowed for the creation of intricate details such as lace and decorative knots.

While there were challenges in creating a wearable dress entirely out of paper, Duna Cho overcame them by ensuring the dress is durable enough for occasional wear, such as weddings, parties, and performances. The lightweight nature of paper and its unique texture add to the dress's appeal, making it a truly special piece.

The LED lighting dress is a testament to the designer's vision and creativity. By combining fashion, lighting, and traditional craftsmanship, Duna Cho has created a wearable masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of design. This design is not only visually stunning but also serves as a symbol of gratitude and joy.

Images: Hyeongju Mun/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2016, Duna Cho/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2016, unknown/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2015, unknown/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2015

Video: creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2016

Intellectual Property Notice: Copyrights belong to Duna Cho

Awards and Accolades: This design was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Fashion, Apparel, and Garment Design category in 2016. The Iron A' Design Award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. It is respected for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Duna Cho
Image Credits: Main image : photographer Hyeongju Mun/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2016 Image#1 : photographer Duna Cho/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2016 Image#2 : photographer unknown /creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2015 Image#3 : photographer unknown/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2015 Image#4 : photographer Hyeongju Mun/creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2015 Video : creator (Duna Cho/Thank you)/2016
Project Team Members: Duna Cho
Project Name: Thank you
Project Client: Duna Cho

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