The Erimon: Revolutionizing the Whiskey Tasting Experience

Enhancing Flavors and Aromas Through Science and Design

The Érimón, designed by Tiago Russo and Katia Martins, is a whiskey glass that has revolutionized the nosing and tasting experience. Through a combination of scientific research and innovative design, this glass enhances the flavors and aromas of whiskey by reducing the effects of ethanol and allowing the drinker to fully appreciate the complexity of the spirit.

The design of The Érimón focuses on the absorption of ethanol vapors, which can hinder the true flavors and enjoyment of whiskey. By triggering the nerves in the nose and creating a burning sensation, ethanol detracts from the full experience of taste. The Érimón glass aims to remove and lessen the effect of ethanol, allowing the drinker to appreciate the layers of taste and complexity that are often masked by the vapor.

The unique properties of The Érimón lie in its gravity and geometry-based design. The glass features a conical-shaped depression at the base, controlling the flow of whiskey and promoting the absorption of ethanol vapors. The bulb design creates a chamber and more wall space for the vapor to be transferred to, while a thick base provides a comfortable grip without heating the liquid.

Soda-lime glass was chosen as the main material for The Érimón due to its amorphous molecular structure, which allows it to absorb ethanol vapors. The glass's profile was built around this capability, with curvatures that promote a liquid flow that facilitates ethanol absorption. This combination of design and material ensures that the whiskey drinker can fully immerse themselves in the flavors and aromas of the spirit.

The Érimón glass was developed over a period of 18 months, with extensive research and prototyping to achieve the perfect shaping, design, ergonomics, and performance. The goal was to create a product that could revolutionize not only the whiskey market but also the perception of the spirit itself. The glass has undergone performance testing and has achieved an innovative patent, solidifying its unique position in the industry.

By removing the ethanol vapor and allowing the true flavors and aromas to shine, The Érimón glass elevates the whiskey tasting experience to new heights. It is a testament to the combination of science and design, showcasing the power of innovation in enhancing lifestyle and enjoyment.

Image Credits: The Craft Irish Whiskey Co.

Intellectual Property Notice: The science and design behind The Érimón glass are protected by a worldwide patent and design registry attributed to Tiago Russo and Katia Martins.

Awards and Accolades: The Érimón glass was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Érimón glass stands out for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings to whiskey enthusiasts worldwide.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tiago Russo
Image Credits: The Craft Irish Whiskey Co.
Project Team Members: Tiago Russo Katia Martins
Project Name: The Érimón
Project Client: Tiago Russo

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The Érimón IMG #3
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The Érimón IMG #5
The Érimón IMG #5

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