Moss: Restoring Forests Through Innovative Design

An Eco-Friendly Solution for Forest Fire Restoration

The project Moss aims to restore forests that have been ravaged by forest fires through the use of a Moss Stamp and a Moss Incubation Room for cultivating moss. This innovative solution allows individuals, such as volunteers and hikers, to actively engage in environmental conservation efforts by directly participating in the process of planting moss. By simply stamping the moss, participants can contribute to the creation of a sustainable world and help restore the natural ecosystem.

The devastating impact of forest fires on our environment is undeniable. The recovery process for these damaged areas can be lengthy and challenging. However, the design team at Ms Team has come up with a unique and efficient solution to expedite the restoration process using moss as a key material.

Forest fires have a larger damage area than any other disaster, so it takes a lot of time to recover. We conducted research on how to quickly restore the devastated nature, and finally selected moss as a key material. In addition, in the process of distributing moss on damaged mountains, we tried to suggest a way for humans to directly restore nature. Taking a motif from the behavior of mountain climbers, we would like to suggest a method of stamping moss on the ground.

The Moss design offers several unique properties that set it apart from other restoration methods. The goal of the project is to create a sustainable world by restoring forests that have been devastated by forest fires. The product consists of a stamp that can plant moss and an Incubation Room that can cultivate moss. Participants in this project can contribute to the restoration efforts by simply stamping moss, requiring minimal effort for maximum impact.

Moss has the property of preventing desertification by trapping fog and dew and retaining moisture in the soil. As a medium for tree root growth, it accelerates the recovery of forests destroyed by forest fires. The outlet of the stamp is designed in a spiral shape, reflecting the nature of moss to expand its territory. The Incubation Room is equipped with a system that injects moss spores and nutrient solutions into the stamp, providing an optimal environment for moss to grow.

The Moss Stamp has a closed size of 55 x 55 x 264(mm) and a maximum open size of 55 x 55 x 753(mm). It can hold up to 150ml of moss. The Incubation Room measures 940 x 940 x 1780(mm), providing ample space for moss cultivation.

Operating the Moss design is simple and intuitive. Users can select a stamp from the Incubation Room through a screen interface. After adjusting the length of the stamp by pressing the button on the top, users can stamp the moss on the ground. The indicator light on the top of the Moss Stamp allows users to monitor the current amount of moss.

The Moss project was initiated in Seoul in March 2022 and completed in January 2023. It is a testament to the dedication and creativity of the design team, including Lee Jisu, Taerim Bang, and Eunhye Lee.

This innovative design has garnered recognition and acclaim, receiving the Iron A' Design Award in the Sustainable Products, Projects, and Green Design category in 2023. This award is a testament to the well-designed, practical, and innovative nature of the Moss project, which meets professional and industrial requirements. The Moss design integrates industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings, contributing to a better world.

The Moss project not only offers a solution for restoring damaged mountains but also raises awareness about the importance of environmental conservation. By actively involving individuals in the restoration process, it allows them to witness the positive impact of their actions and realize the significance of creating a sustainable world. With the Moss design, we can transform barren wastelands into thriving environments where life can flourish once again.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jisu Lee, Eunhye Lee, Terim Bang
Image Credits: Jisu Lee, Eunhye Lee, Terim Bang
Project Team Members: Designer : Lee Jisu Designer : Taerim Bang Designer : Eunhye Lee
Project Name: Moss
Project Client: Jisu Lee, Eunhye Lee, Terim Bang

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