Satoro: Capturing the Essence of Small Satellites Through Photography

RedPeak and Chris Chung Showcase the Beauty and Innovation of Small Sats

In a field dominated by digital renderings, RedPeak and Satoro wanted to capture the ephemeral essence of a small sat before its final destination in orbit. Inspired by the potential of small sats to redefine possibilities in space, the photographs play with contrasts in lighting, and proportions, spotlighting the possibilities of this small yet empowering technology.

RedPeak and Satoro have collaborated to create a series of photographs that beautifully capture the innovation and beauty of small satellites. In an industry where digital renderings are prevalent, this project aims to showcase the physicality and potential of small sats through striking imagery.

The photographs, shot by renowned photographer Chris Chung, play with colors, proportions, and compositions to create dramatic and captivating images. The use of white backgrounds allows the intricate design details of the small sats to shine, while the framing of the shots creates a sense of weight and presence. From close-up shots that reveal the smallest details to wide-angle views that capture the entire engineering feat, each photograph tells a story of innovation and possibility.

Equipped with a powerful Nikon D850 camera and aided by the advanced lighting capabilities of the Profoto Pro-11 with ProHead Plus, Chris Chung expertly captures the stunning contrast and interplay of light and shadow surrounding the satellite. The result is a series of photographs that not only showcase the technical marvel of the small sats but also evoke a sense of wonder and awe.

The project involved a two-day shooting in Taipei, where the team meticulously planned and executed each shot to highlight the unique features of the small sats. Despite the challenges of working with an invaluable piece of technology and various reflective materials, the team successfully captured the intricate technical details from multiple perspectives.

These photographs not only demystify the mysteries of space but also serve as a testament to the incredible feats of technology that humanity is capable of. By showcasing the beauty and innovation of small satellites, RedPeak and Satoro are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of space exploration.

The Satoro project was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in Photography and Photo Manipulation Design in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes designs that are well-designed, practical, and innovative, meeting professional and industrial requirements. The project's integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics contribute to a better world.

With their unique approach to capturing the essence of small satellites, RedPeak and Chris Chung have created a visual masterpiece that celebrates the intersection of art, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: RedPeak Global
Image Credits: Image Credits: Client: Satoro Inc. Agency: RedPeak Production: Howard Chang, Andy Tsui
Project Team Members: CEO: Silvia Yu Creative Director: Chris Chung BD Director: Raychard Huang Senior Strategists: Nathan Liao, Lucas Willery Account Managers: Peggy Lee, Jasmine Hung
Project Name: Satoro
Project Client: RedPeak Global

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