Revolutionizing Sound: Sungjae Han's Object Series

High-End Audio Equipment Inspired by Natural Structures and Crafted with Unique Technology

Unveiling the Object Series, a high-end speaker range designed by Sungjae Han, inspired by the structure of multiple pipes and crafted with the unique Vicuna technology. This innovative design has been recognized with a prestigious Golden A' Audio and Sound Equipment Design Award in 2023.

Renowned designer Sungjae Han, in collaboration with a team of experts, has created the Object Series, a high-end speaker range that stands out for its unique design and advanced technology. The inspiration behind this design is the structure of multiple pipes, which are gathered to transmit the original sound. The design aims to minimize sound distortion by keeping each soundbox intact, resulting in an ideal structure for producing high-quality sound.

The Object Series is not just aesthetically pleasing; it also incorporates a variety of technologies to enhance the sound quality. One such technology is the Vicuna technology, developed by the Garell family in France, known for producing string instruments for over a century. This technology uses Vicuna wool, often referred to as the 'fiber of God', to delicately disperse the density of sound, delivering a clearer and grander sound to the listener.

The speakers in the Object Series are designed separately to convey the original sound to the listener without interference. This design, which resembles a flower in bloom, is not only visually captivating but also functional, ensuring the delivery of high-quality sound. The Object Series is equipped with Bluetooth 5.0 and Wi-Fi technology, enabling the transmission of high-quality sound sources without compression and compatibility with various applications.

The Object Series speakers are available in two sizes: 420mm x 356mm x 1000mm (Object 6) and 420mm x 356mm x 670mm (Object 9). The Object 6 is designed with a high-pitched twitter located near the ear when the listener is sitting, enhancing the listening experience.

The design process of the Object Series involved extensive research and multiple design modifications to achieve the aesthetic and functional goals. The project, which started in France in February 2022, will be exhibited in SIGNIEL Busan, Korea in June 2023. The Object Series is a testament to Sungjae Han's commitment to innovation and excellence in design, as evidenced by the prestigious Golden A' Audio and Sound Equipment Design Award it received in 2023.

With its unique design and advanced technology, the Object Series is set to revolutionize the audio equipment industry. It is a perfect blend of art and technology, offering an unrivaled listening experience to its users. The Object Series is a testament to Sungjae Han's innovative approach to design and his commitment to delivering high-quality audio equipment.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: sungjae Han
Image Credits: Image #1, 5: Dongkyu Lee, Object 6, 2023. Image #2, 3, 4: Dongkyu Lee, Object 9, 2023.
Project Team Members: Designer: Raphael Garell Creative Director: Sungjae Han Production team leader: Dongkyu Lee Designer: Soohyun Lee Designer: Jinwoon Jeong
Project Name: Object Series
Project Client: sungjae Han

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