Xinjihao Bingdao: A Harmonious Blend of Nature and Tea

Tang Shengxing's Award-Winning Tea Packaging Design

Unveiling Tang Shengxing's Xinjihao Bingdao, an innovative tea packaging design that harmoniously blends the essence of nature and oriental tea culture. This design, inspired by the primitive forests of Yunnan Province, has been recognized with a prestigious Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2023.

Tang Shengxing's Xinjihao Bingdao is not just a tea packaging design, but an embodiment of the harmonious coexistence of humans, animals, and plants in the tropical rainforests of Yunnan Province. The design's inspiration stems from the natural formation and oriental fragrance of tea, creating a distinctive product image with a strong Oriental flavor.

The uniqueness of Xinjihao Bingdao lies in its ability to transport people to the tropical rainforests of Southwest China's Yunnan Province. The design encapsulates the natural flavor of the primitive forest Pu'er tea, allowing people to experience the taste of nature anytime, anywhere. The red box mirrors the acid red soil where the tea grows, and the vigorous atmosphere of Chinese calligraphy characters reflects the overbearing taste of Pu'er tea.

Notably, Tang Shengxing's focus on the harmonious relationship between the primitive forest people and nature in Yunnan Province is evident in the design. The packaging design is a tribute to the natural environment, reflecting the essence of the tea and the soil where it grows. The use of Chinese calligraphy characters further enhances the oriental feel of the design, making it a true representation of Chinese tea culture.

Xinjihao Bingdao's unique properties and innovative design have not gone unnoticed. The design was awarded the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs. The award recognizes designs that showcase a remarkable level of excellence, introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder, and illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

In conclusion, Tang Shengxing's Xinjihao Bingdao is a testament to the harmonious blend of nature and tea. Its unique properties and innovative design have not only captured the essence of the primitive forest Pu'er tea but also earned it a prestigious Silver A' Packaging Design Award. This design is a perfect example of how art, design, and innovation can come together to create a product that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and culturally significant.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tang Shengxing
Image Credits: Tang Shengxing
Project Team Members: Tang Shengxing
Project Name: Xinjihao Bingdao
Project Client: Tang Shengxing

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