Field Garden: A Rejuvenated Landscape Oasis

Yu-Jung Tseng Transforms Abandoned Orchard into Community Haven

In the heart of urban sprawl, a once-forgotten fruit farm is reborn as Field Garden, a testament to the harmonious coexistence of urban life and agricultural ecology. This landscape renovation by Yu-Jung Tseng is not only a design triumph but also a beacon of community spirit and environmental stewardship.

Field Garden stands as a shining example of how derelict spaces can be revitalized to serve the community and environment. The project, led by the visionary Yu-Jung Tseng, has turned an abandoned fruit farm into a vibrant community garden. At the entrance, two relocated 60-year-old Litchi chinensis trees symbolize the new life breathed into the space. The garden now offers a place for leisure, recreation, and ecological education, with a rainwater recycling system and a dedicated area for children to explore the food forest.

The design's uniqueness lies in its blend of functionality and enjoyment, drawing inspiration from "The Wizard of Oz." It transforms the field into a space of spiritual healing, courage, and physical strength. The garden features an edible forest and areas for sports and recreational activities, fostering community interaction and daily communication. This innovative approach encourages parents and children to engage in fun and learning within a natural setting.

Yu-Jung Tseng's meticulous environmental simulation analysis informed the selection of native vegetation that would thrive in the local climate while creating comfortable spaces for activity. The design cleverly uses terrain variations to provide noise mitigation, rainwater retention, and wind protection, demonstrating a profound understanding of the site's natural dynamics.

Spanning 2,045 square meters, Field Garden is a technical marvel that addresses the challenges of urban heat islands and water conservation. The strategic use of vegetation improves the microclimate, and the development's reduced footprint allows for natural soil permeability. Small underground reservoirs ensure water availability during dry spells, showcasing a commitment to sustainability.

Field Garden is more than a landscape project; it is a narrative of ecological revival and community enrichment. It enhances social well-being and bridges the gap between urban living and agricultural ecosystems. The design's story-driven approach creates an immersive environment that enriches the local biodiversity and fosters a deeper connection with nature.

Yu-Jung Tseng's Field Garden has been recognized with the prestigious Iron A' Landscape Planning and Garden Design Award in 2024, a testament to its innovative design and positive impact. This award celebrates the project's integration of best practices and technical excellence, contributing to a better, more sustainable world. The transformation of Field Garden is a beacon of hope, showcasing the potential of design to create spaces that uplift communities and preserve the environment.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: YU-JUNG TSENG
Image Credits: IMAGE CREDITS: Millet Design Co., Ltd. Jeou Tarng Estate Co., Ltd.
Project Team Members: YU-JUNG TSENG
Project Name: Field Garden
Project Client: Millet Design Co., Ltd

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