Reviving Hui Heritage: Yumeng Li's Limited Edition Artbook

Exploring Architectural Artistry in Hui House Design

The Hui House artbook by Yumeng Li offers a unique journey into the atmospheric Hui-style architecture, blending visual storytelling with cultural preservation.

Yumeng Li's Hui House is not just a book; it's a tactile expedition into the heart of China's architectural artistry. This limited edition artbook serves as a bridge between past and present, offering readers an intimate look at the Hui-style architecture that characterizes the settlements at the foot of the Yellow Mountains. Li's work is a testament to the power of design in capturing and preserving the essence of a culture.

What sets the Hui House apart is its innovative approach to visual storytelling. Each page acts as a window, transforming traditional 2D imagery into a 3D panorama that invites readers to "unveil" the intricate details of Hui-style architecture. This interactive experience is not only educational but also a call to action for the preservation of these architectural marvels. The book's design reflects the unique fusion of southern and northern Chinese architectural principles, a hallmark of the Hui style.

The production of Hui House is a marvel of modern printing technology. Utilizing 3D slicing and acetate fiber printing, the book achieves an unprecedented level of visual depth and clarity. These techniques create interactive windows that reveal the spatial relationships and proportions of Hui-style buildings, allowing for a dynamic exploration of architectural details that would otherwise remain hidden in 2D formats.

Technical specifications of the Hui House are meticulously crafted to enhance the reader's experience. The artbook's dimensions, binding, and paper quality are carefully chosen to complement the visual content, ensuring that each copy is a collector's item. The use of silk-screen and UV printing further elevates the tactile and visual appeal of the book, making it a must-have for enthusiasts of architecture and design.

Interaction with the Hui House is an immersive experience. From the moment the cover is opened, readers are drawn into the Hui-style architecture through a see-through window channel that guides them through the book. The layered pages and detailed narratives provide a self-paced tour that not only educates but also inspires a deeper appreciation for the Hui cultural heritage.

Launched in 2023 and exhibited in prestigious Chinese museums, the Hui House is the culmination of extensive research and dedication to the conservation of Hui culture. The book's recognition with a Bronze A' Design Award in 2024 underscores its significance as a creative and resourceful approach to heritage preservation. Yumeng Li's Hui House stands as a beacon of hope for the protection and revitalization of Hui-style architecture, ensuring its legacy endures for generations to come.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yumeng Li
Image Credits: Yumeng Li
Project Team Members: Yumeng Li
Project Name: Hui House
Project Client: Pear and Mulberry

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