Ba's Garden: Pioneering Compact Urban Agriculture

Trang Nguyen Thuy's Hydroponic Solution Redefines City Farming

In a world grappling with the challenges of urbanization and sustainability, Ba's Garden emerges as an innovative approach to urban agriculture. Designed by Trang Nguyen Thuy, this compact hydroponic system offers a self-sufficient method for growing microgreens, addressing the pressing need for eco-friendly farming practices in space-constrained environments.

The inspiration behind Ba's Garden is rooted in the urgent need for future farming to harmonize with the environment. As cities expand, the strain on ecosystems intensifies, and traditional large-scale farming practices threaten biodiversity. Trang Nguyen Thuy's design responds to these challenges by integrating sustainable agriculture into urban settings. Ba's Garden's automated hydroponics system is not just a step towards ecological balance; it's a leap towards revolutionizing how cities can contribute to food security.

What sets Ba's Garden apart is its innovative use of soilless and self-watering technologies. This advanced system features a grid tray that supports continuous root growth, ensuring a steady supply of nutrient-rich microgreens. It's a unique solution that caters to health-conscious urban dwellers, providing them with an abundant source of vitamins and minerals right in their homes. The system's design is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, making it a seamless addition to any urban living space.

The realization of Ba's Garden employs Earthenware materials, chosen for their durability and ability to maintain optimal growing conditions. The design includes both low and high pots, along with a germination tray that retains the right amount of water for seed sprouting. This clever design allows for the growth of seeds of varying sizes without the need for additional watering, making it a truly self-sufficient gardening system.

With dimensions of 190mm x 190mm x 180mm, Ba's Garden is a testament to the power of compact design. It's a user-friendly device that operates without soil, requires minimal watering, and thrives even in shaded indoor areas. The system's sustainable materials and simple operation make it a practical choice for city residents looking to cultivate their own greens within just 5-7 days.

The journey of Ba's Garden began in September 2022 in Lund and concluded in December 2023. Its debut at the Stockholm Furniture Fair in February 2023 marked a significant milestone for the project. The design process involved extensive research, including problem identification, interviews, and both low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototyping. The result is a product that not only addresses practical challenges but also embodies a commitment to green design and sustainable living.

Overcoming the complexities of traditional germination tools was a significant hurdle in the creation of Ba's Garden. The design team navigated through the challenges of excessive water and material use, as well as the need for a versatile system that could accommodate different seed sizes. The final product is a testament to their success, offering a solution that minimizes the risk of bacterial contamination and streamlines the sprouting process.

Trang Nguyen Thuy's Ba's Garden has been recognized with the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in the Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design category for 2024. This accolade underscores the design's practicality, innovation, and contribution to a more sustainable world. Ba's Garden is not just a product; it's a movement towards integrating agriculture into the fabric of urban life, ensuring a healthier future for city dwellers and the planet alike.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Trang Nguyen Thuy
Image Credits: Trang Nguyen Thuy
Project Team Members: Trang Nguyen Thuy
Project Name: Ba's Garden
Project Client: Lund University School of Industrial Design

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