Magnetic Menu: A Personalized and Sustainable Solution

A Revolutionary Cover for Menus

Traditional menus can often be overwhelming, with pages upon pages of food and drink options. Dragan Jankovic, a renowned designer, recognized the need for a simpler and more personalized approach. Inspired by the desire to create a menu that caters to individual preferences, Jankovic developed the Magnetic Menu.

The Magnetic Menu is a unique design that features a few plastic transparent foils linked with magnets, serving as the perfect cover for different types of printed material. This innovative solution offers a range of benefits, making it a game-changer in the restaurant industry.

One of the key strengths of the Magnetic Menu is its ease of use. With just a few pages dedicated to specific categories, such as fruit cocktails or cakes, guests can quickly find exactly what they're looking for. This personalized experience enhances customer satisfaction and streamlines the ordering process.

Not only is the Magnetic Menu user-friendly, but it is also easy to manufacture and maintain. The combination of transparent foils, super strong synthetic magnets, and paper ensures a long-lasting product that saves time, money, and raw materials. This sustainable approach aligns with the growing demand for environmentally friendly solutions.

Furthermore, the Magnetic Menu is highly adaptable for various purposes. While its ideal use is as a cover for menus in restaurants, it can also be utilized in other settings. Its versatility allows for customization, making it suitable for different types of printed materials and catering to specific needs.

Overcoming the challenges faced by traditional menus, Jankovic's design revolutionizes the printing process. Printing houses no longer have to deal with extensive pages of information, reducing costs and simplifying operations. Additionally, restaurant managers can easily update their menus without the need for complete reprints.

The Magnetic Menu has garnered recognition for its exceptional design. In 2012, it was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Idea and Conceptual Design category. This prestigious accolade celebrates the outstanding expertise and innovation demonstrated by Jankovic's creation. The Magnetic Menu's technical characteristics, artistic skill, and ability to evoke positive emotions make it a truly remarkable design.

The Magnetic Menu is a testament to Dragan Jankovic's commitment to simplicity, functionality, and sustainability. By providing a personalized and environmentally friendly solution, this design sets a new standard for menu covers and enhances the overall dining experience.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Dragan Jankovic
Image Credits: Dragan Jankovic
Project Team Members: Dragan Jankovic
Project Name: Magnetic menu
Project Client: Dragan Jankovic

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