Easy Domes: A Sustainable and Innovative Dome House Design

Revolutionizing Sustainable Living with Geodesic Structures

The inspiration for Easy Domes, a unique dome house design, came to fruition in 1990 when architect Kari Thomsen designed a cultural house for the Society of Greenland People in the Faroe Islands. The concept of an igloo-shaped house nestled between traditional family houses was born from the use of the basic polyhedra, the icosahedron, which was transformed into plates of hexagons and pentagons. This modified dome design later inspired the creation of two tourism cottages in 2000, and today, low-energy, sustainable domes are being produced in Denmark.

Easy Domes stands out from other dome house designs due to its unique structure and design. The core of the design is the Platonic polyhedra, the Icosahedron, which is cut at the vertices and divided into 21 strong load-bearing wooden sections. These sections are assembled using iron bolts, creating a quick and easy building kit. The domes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also offer a green, low-energy, and sustainable building solution.

The interaction between the floor area and the spatial volume of Easy Domes provides interesting interior possibilities. The domes are earthquake and hurricane resistant, making them suitable for implementation in all climate zones. The strength and stability of the design allow for the construction of larger domes, offering ample living space and the potential for complex one or two-floor interiors.

Each dome is constructed using 21 sections made of pinewood and Canadian Douglas plywood. The edge beams for the framework are precisely cut with beveled angles, length, and perforations for iron bolts, ensuring a secure and stable structure. Iron hangers are mounted for tension drag in window sections, further enhancing the durability of the domes. The plywood is glued, nailed to the framework, and edge-milled, resulting in a seamless and visually appealing finish.

Easy Domes come in various sizes, with the example of a 57m2 two-floor dome showcasing the design's versatility. The domes are delivered as pre-produced building sections wrapped in plastic and transported on pallets, making them easily transportable by truck or container. Additional features such as windows and aluminum sheeting can be added to customize the domes according to individual preferences.

The Easy Domes project began in 1992 with the construction of the first full-scale cut icosahedron in the Faroe Islands. After years of testing and refinement, the project gained financial support from the Faroese Ministry of Industry. In 2008, Easy Domes started producing fully sustainable family houses and cottages in Denmark, followed by the construction of spare time activities domes in the United Arab Emirates in 2010.

The design of Easy Domes is rooted in extensive research on polyhedra, specifically the Icosahedron. The use of a pure plate structure as the main load-bearing element sets it apart from other dome designs that rely on lattice structures and special connectors. The calculated load demands and the practicality of using traditional wooden materials allowed for the creation of a computerized production process that adheres to all EU codes and international standards.

Overcoming creative, technical, and research challenges, Easy Domes successfully combines the geodesic structure and building techniques to create a practical and functional living space. The design's simplicity and use of traditional materials eliminate the need for special connectors, making it a cost-effective and sustainable solution for dome construction.

Easy Domes has garnered recognition for its innovative design and contribution to sustainable living. In 2013, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category. This prestigious award honors designs that showcase technical and creative skills while contributing to quality of life improvements.

The Easy Domes design offers a unique and sustainable approach to housing, appealing to those interested in green building, home builders, and individuals seeking a sustainable lifestyle. With its resistance to earthquakes and hurricanes, adaptability to all climate zones, and limitless interior possibilities, Easy Domes truly revolutionizes the concept of sustainable living.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: KT Architects
Image Credits: KT Architects
Project Team Members: Architect Kari Thomsen Engineer Ole Vanggaard
Project Name: Easy Domes
Project Client: KT Architects

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