Crystal Science Exhibition Center: Enriching Cultural Life Through Design

Transforming an Old Square into a Unique Display of Crystal Knowledge

The Crystal Science Exhibition Center, designed by Bo Li, is a remarkable project that aims to enrich the cultural life of the public while showcasing the beauty and significance of crystal. Inspired by the natural changes in shadow and Chinese ancient literature, this exhibition center combines elements of nature and art to create a captivating experience for visitors.

Located in Jiangsu, China, the Crystal Science Exhibition Center is a testament to the transformative power of design. Bo Li and his team have taken an old square with a history of over 30 years and turned it into a hub of knowledge and creativity. The goal of this project is to improve the cultural image of the crystal processing industry in the region and provide the public with a unique and educational experience.

The outdoor public square, covering 1,100 m2, serves as the centerpiece of the exhibition center. The design team has retained the image of a sundial, a device used in ancient China to tell time based on the length and direction of the shadow cast by the sun. This sundial serves as a symbol of history and memory for the area, and forms the concept of a "time dial" when combined with the surrounding ground. Visitors can explore the development and changes brought by the crystal industry through sculptures and models strategically placed throughout the square.

Surrounding the outdoor square is a rolling streamline building that takes advantage of the original slope topography. This building serves as a platform for the public to rest, play, and enjoy the view. It seamlessly integrates with the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious blend of architecture and nature.

Inside the exhibition center, the designers have divided the space into three areas: the formation process of crystal, the processing technology of crystal, and the industrial development of crystal. Each area offers a unique and immersive experience for visitors. The designers have created three different scene forms and linked them together with a continuous videotape. As visitors walk through the exhibition, they can watch films on glass screens, feeling as though they have entered a world of crystal stories.

The Crystal Science Exhibition Center, with its innovative design and educational focus, has received numerous accolades. In 2013, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Bo Li and his team have successfully transformed an old square into a captivating exhibition center that not only showcases the beauty of crystal but also enriches the cultural life of the public. Through their innovative design and dedication to creating a unique experience, they have created a space that celebrates the history, art, and science of crystal.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Bo Li
Image Credits: Bo Li
Project Team Members: Bo Lee, Design Director Gang Wu, Structural Designer Jianwei Zhong, Designer Lan Lee, Designer Yi Chen, Designer
Project Name: Crystal science exhibition center
Project Client: Bo Li

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