Portuguese Roots: A Chair that Tells a Story

A Tribute to Tradition and Sustainable Design

The Portuguese Roots chair, designed by Alexandre Caldas, is a unique piece that combines history, sustainability, and craftsmanship. Inspired by the traditional Portuguese chair from 1953, this design adds value to the original concept by using natural wood and cork, creating a more environmentally friendly chair for indoor use.

The Portuguese Roots chair is not just a piece of furniture; it is a storyteller. With its roots in the past, this chair pays tribute to the designers who unknowingly created a timeless and iconic piece of furniture. Caldas wanted to tell a story through design, and what better way to do it than through a chair?

One of the main challenges in the construction of the Portuguese Roots chair was the choice of wood. The chair's design required careful consideration of the forces and torsions applied in the center, especially due to the back leg angle. The wood, American Walnut and Ash, was hand-selected and worked using CNC technology. Skilled craftsmen then assembled the pieces, showcasing the beauty of the wood and the precision of the joinery. To further enhance the chair's comfort, natural cork was added, cut in different angles and shapes, a nod to Portuguese traditions.

Not only does the Portuguese Roots chair tell a story, but it also reflects Portugal's commitment to sustainability. The use of natural materials, such as wood and cork, highlights the country's dedication to preserving its natural resources. The cork, in addition to providing comfort, is also fire retardant, ensuring safety and peace of mind.

The Portuguese Roots chair is not just a design; it is a symbol of Portuguese art and design history. Since its completion in 2013, it has become a reference in the industry and a source of pride for the country. The chair has been featured in numerous magazines, talk shows, and is now a permanent exhibit at the Lisbon Museum of Design (MUDE).

Alexandre Caldas, the designer behind the Portuguese Roots chair, embarked on a journey of research and discovery to bring this design to life. His familiarity with the original factory that produced the reference model from 1953, along with extensive book references and interviews with key figures, allowed him to recreate and revive this iconic chair. The result has been a movement and a renewed appreciation for Portuguese design, with interest pouring in from around the world.

The Portuguese Roots chair is not just a piece of furniture; it is a statement. Its honest and simple design ensures its longevity, making it a chair that will last a lifetime. With its strong lines and minimalistic approach, it respects the user's space while providing comfort and quality.

In recognition of its outstanding design and innovation, the Portuguese Roots chair was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2014. This prestigious award celebrates top-of-the-line designs that showcase exceptional expertise and creativity. The Portuguese Roots chair, with its technical excellence and artistic skill, captivates and inspires, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter it.

The Portuguese Roots chair is more than just a chair; it is a piece of history, a symbol of sustainability, and a testament to the power of design to tell a story.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Alexandre Caldas
Image Credits: Alexandre Caldas
Project Team Members: Alexandre Caldas ( designer )
Project Client: Alexandre Caldas


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