Silence: A Bike with Sensory Organ

An Electric Bicycle Designed for Deaf People

Silence is an E-Bike designed by Yi-Sin Huang specifically for deaf people. With its radar and warning lights, it becomes their second sensory organ, allowing them to enjoy the freedom of riding without constraints.

The uniqueness of Silence lies in its ability to provide uninterrupted power to its radar and warning lights through an electricity station. The radar detects the location and speed of objects within a 10-meter sector behind the rider during the ride. This data is then transmitted to the computer, which predicts the movement of the objects and informs the rider through three different lights, enabling them to read the road conditions ahead. This advanced technology gives riders more time to react and ensures their safety on the road. Silence is not just a bike; it is the perfect companion for deaf riders, helping them navigate their surroundings with ease and confidence.

The design of Silence incorporates a carbon fiber frame, which not only strengthens the structure but also reduces the overall weight of the bike. This combination of strength and lightness enhances the riding experience and makes Silence a truly exceptional electric bicycle.

Measuring 410 W x 1745.8 D x 1064.5 H mm (16.2 x 68.8 x 41.9 inches), Silence is compact and efficient. Its uninterrupted electricity station powers the radar and warning lights, providing deaf riders with visual signs to avoid potential dangers. The simplicity and quickness of its perception make Silence a smart and human-centered design.

The development of Silence began in March 2013 and was completed in November 2013 by designer Yi-Sin Huang. The inspiration for this innovative bike came from the realization that deaf people rely on their auditory sense to locate moving objects before changing directions while riding. Silence aims to provide them with an auxiliary device that acts as their first auditory sense, detecting the riding conditions and making the entire bike their second sensory organ.

One of the challenges faced during the design process was finding an efficient cooling mode for the warning light system while keeping costs low. However, these obstacles were overcome, resulting in a design that not only meets the needs of deaf riders but also enhances their safety and riding experience.

Silence is more than just a bicycle; it is a brand new concept in control and safety. Designed by Karl Huang, Silence incorporates radar, LED lights, detectors, and a computer to provide riders with real-time information about their riding conditions. This dedication to safety and inclusivity makes Silence the perfect choice for hearing-impaired individuals who deserve the freedom and joy of riding without any limitations.

Silence was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Vehicle, Mobility, and Transportation Design category in 2014. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life. Silence is a testament to the integration of art, science, design, and technology, making it a valuable contribution to the world of cycling and the lives of deaf riders.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yi-Sin Huang
Image Credits: Image #1: Designer Yi-Sin Huang, Silence, 2013, Image #2: Designer Yi-Sin Huang, Visible Silence, 2013, Image #3: Designer Yi-Sin Huang, Silence's Radar, 2013, Image #4: Designer Yi-Sin Huang, Silence's Lighting, 2013, Image #5: Designer Yi-Sin Huang, Silence's figure, 2013.
Project Team Members: Yi-Sin Huang
Project Name: Silence
Project Client: Yi-Sin Huang

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Silence IMG #5

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