Sistem: A Revolutionary Range Pole and Tripod Design

Redesigning the Engineering Measuring Set

The low quality and performance of existing range poles and tripods have led to the creation of Sistem, a groundbreaking line of range pole and tripod products.

Range poles are frequently used in engineering applications, especially in civil engineering, to calculate dimensions and alignments with the help of red and white metal pipes. However, the traditional production methods used for range poles in the market often result in high costs and limited availability.

Enter Sistem, designed by the renowned Hakan Gürsu and his team at Designnobis. This innovative range pole and tripod design offers a range of unique properties that set it apart from its competitors. One of the standout features is the sharp edge jointed to the metal pipe, making it easier to embed the range pole into surfaces. Additionally, a water gauge is integrated into the range pole, enabling more sensitive measurements.

What truly sets Sistem apart is its production technology. The mechanism that allows the tool to be lengthened for different requirements is produced using both extrusion and injection methods. This contemporary design and production approach not only makes the product more affordable but also enhances its durability. The materials used include extruded aluminum, lathed aluminum, and injected carbon fiber, ensuring a high-quality and long-lasting product.

The range pole tripod, designed with the same approach, provides accurate measurements without any mistakes. The tap mechanism of the tripod is produced using lathe, while the plastic joints that link the tap metal part and metal legs are independent from each other. This means that if one of them breaks, users do not need to replace the entire tripod. The buttons used to adjust the length of the legs are designed to fit comfortably in the hand and are easily pushed, making it convenient to use even in challenging field conditions.

Sistem's collapsible design, achieved through folding or telescopic mechanisms, ensures easy transportation and storage. When in use, the range pole is used in conjunction with the tripod for precise and accurate measurements.

The Sistem project was initiated in October 2014 in Ankara, Turkey. Extensive research was conducted, gathering data from field workers and specialists who use range poles and tripods in their daily operations. The design team faced various challenges, including achieving high precision mechanisms, selecting suitable materials, and maintaining a consistent design language throughout the product.

Sistem's exceptional design and engineering prowess have not gone unnoticed. In 2015, it was awarded the prestigious Silver A' Design Award in the Product Engineering and Technical Design category. This recognition is a testament to the outstanding expertise, innovation, and remarkable level of excellence demonstrated by the Sistem range pole and tripod design.

Image courtesy of Designnobis.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hakan Gürsu
Image Credits: Image courtesy of Designnobis
Project Team Members: Designnobis Team
Project Name: Sistem
Project Client: Hakan Gürsu

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