Brave Jet: A Syringe Toy to Ease Children's Fear of Injections

Ilmo Ahn, Juyeon Baek, Seonwoo Pyo Redefine Medical Tools for Kids

Butler Studio's Brave Jet is a unique syringe design that transforms a typically feared medical tool into a playful toy, aiming to ease children's anxiety during vaccination procedures.

The Brave Jet, a brainchild of designers Ilmo Ahn, Juyeon Baek, and Seonwoo Pyo, is a syringe that doubles as a toy plane. The inspiration for this innovative design came from the designers' intent to divert the attention of children during vaccination procedures. Recognizing the fear most children have towards injections, they aimed to create a solution that not only safeguards children's health but also makes the experience less traumatic.

What sets the Brave Jet apart from typical syringes is its dual functionality. It serves its primary purpose as a syringe, following the standard dimensions of typical medical syringes. However, its design mimics a toy plane, which helps distract children during the injection process. After the procedure, the needle is removed, and the syringe is recycled into a toy, serving as a token of bravery for the child.

The Brave Jet is constructed from plastic, a material commonly used in medical tools for its durability and ease of sterilization. The design process, which took place in South Korea in January 2015, involved careful consideration of the technical specifications to ensure the product's safety and effectiveness. The team also conducted extensive research on children's fear of injections and the difficulties doctors face during these procedures.

The Brave Jet has been recognized for its innovative approach to easing children's fear of injections. It was awarded the Golden A' Baby, Kids and Children's Products Design Award in 2016. This prestigious award is granted to outstanding and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's wisdom and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

In conclusion, the Brave Jet is a testament to the power of design in transforming everyday experiences. By turning a feared medical tool into a playful toy, Butler Studio has demonstrated how design can be used to ease anxiety and create positive experiences, even in the most unlikely of situations.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ilmo Ahn
Image Credits: ilmo Ahn
Project Team Members: ilmo Ahn, jooyeon Baek, jisu Kim, seonwoo Pyo
Project Name: Brave Jet
Project Client: ilmo Ahn

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